Morning. On the way back from downham mkt. On the a47 just passed thorney toll village (i think its called like that) theres a camera. I was 50mph and i looked in my mirror and it went off. Speed limts have vhanged from 40 to 50 didnt they? Any ideas what to do when it comes through? Thank you
Firstly. The limit doesn’t change until later this year.
Secondly. There is nothing you can do, other than await the NIP, and hope they offer you a naughty boys course as opposed to 3 points.
Also interested to know why you went through the village, which incidentally has a 30 mph limit, as opposed to using the A47 which looks like a by pass according to Google maps.
Firstly. The limit doesn’t change until later this year.Secondly. There is nothing you can do, other than await the NIP, and hope they offer you a naughty boys course as opposed to 3 points.
I thought it said that itll change from 1st jan 2015.
Ive just had a look and it says early 2015. Oh boIIOcks. 7years ive managed with a clean license. Hope they offer me the course
When the letter arrives, it will have joining instructions to meet the aircraft that takes you to the Middle East, on arrival, you will be flogged one thousand times in a public place, while being live on TV.
At a guess, the arrest warrant for speeding, will say depart from Brize Norton.
You will be handcuffed on the flight, no food or drink is provided.
My mate did 42 mph in a 40 limit and is currently breaking up boulders with a toothpick in Siberia, he has been there ten years.
doubt if you’ll get the course offer if you were clocked at 50 in a (for us) 40 mate
Ive just had a look and it says early 2015. Oh boIIOcks. 7years ive managed with a clean license. Hope they offer me the course
seven !! I managed 30 yrs before I got my first offence . I was gutted
Any ideas what to do when it comes through?
MTFU … pay the fine and take the points
A bit unbelievable really, a driver is speeding, said driver passes a speed camera and feels the need to ask on a forum why the speed camera flashed his speeding vehicle
Care in the community does not work
Here’s some Waffle on it, can’t be arsed to read it all & I don’t think it mentions a date. I believe that it is coming into force in April 2015.
You might be lucky with Speed School, one of ours got done on the A15 last year doing 53 in a 40, said he was right on the limit to getting points & a fine.
If you get Speed School, it will cost you about £100 but no points & you don’t have to tell your insurance because they don’t tell the Insurance ‘Money Grabbers’ (oops sorry) Companies. … s-vehicles
Written statement to Parliament
National speed limits for heavy goods vehicles: Baroness Kramer, 24 July 2014
From:Department for Transport and Baroness Kramer Delivered on:24 July 2014 First published:24 July 2014Part of:Providing effective regulation of freight transport, Making roads safer, + others
National speed limit for heavy goods vehicles of more than 7.5 tonnes on single carriageways increased from 40 mph to 50 mph.
My Honourable Friend, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport, (Claire Perry), has today (24 July 2014) announced that the government is proposing, following a public consultation, to increase the national speed limit for heavy goods vehicles of more than 7.5 tonnes on single carriageways from 40 mph to 50 mph.
This change will be implemented via a change in the law to be put to Parliament during the next few months, with implementation scheduled for early 2015. The existing 40 mph limit continues to apply until the change has been put into effect. The amended speed limit will cover single carriageway roads outside built up areas in England and Wales, unless specific lower local speed limits are in effect.
The government is also announcing:
the start of a 6 week consultation closing 5th September to seek views and evidence about increasing the national speed limit for HGVs on all purpose (non-motorway) dual carriageways from 50 mph to 60 mph - the intention would be to implement this at the same time
encouragement to English local authorities to take up the flexibility and policies contained in the speed limit circular issued last year related to local 40 mph speed limits in particular
our intention to encourage and increase the greater use of vocational driver conduct hearings, with new guidance from the Senior Traffic Commissioner likely for consultation later this year
our intention to specify and then procure a major study about rural road safety
The change to the national speed limit on single carriageway roads will modernise an antiquated restriction, which is not matched in most other European countries, including some of the other leaders alongside the UK for road safety (eg the Netherlands and Norway). The current speed limit just does not work – it is broken by about three quarters of HGV drivers at any particular time when they are not constrained by other traffic or the road layout. It is implausible that it could readily be made to work without a disproportionate effort.
This package allows our roads to be used better and more effectively. It will reduce delays and congestion, particularly on busy single carriageway A roads. It will remove a 20 mph differential between the lorry and car speed limits on single carriageway roads, cutting dangerous overtaking and bringing permitted lorry speeds into line with other large vehicles like coaches and caravans. Assessed benefits to business are £11.8 million per year.
The government is determined that any potential risks higher speeds bring will be managed effectively. This change will reduce speed differences between different types of traffic which is likely to reduce risks. The government is also bringing forward associated measures so we continue to improve safety.
For example the change to the HGV speed limit will allow us to set up tougher procedures and sanctions for lorry drivers caught exceeding the new speed limits. It will also reinforce the credibility and importance of other safety-critical laws with similar sanctions, including the prohibition on hand held mobile phones and the 30 mph limit in towns and cities.
This change is founded on a longstanding trend of improving road safety, which we have committed to build on. So we will be introducing a new offence of driving with a drug in the body over specified limits and tightening up drink drive enforcement early next year. Last year we increased by two thirds the fixed penalties for many traffic offences and we are consulting on changes to improve enforcement against tired HGV drivers, including those based abroad.
We will be supporting the speed limit increase by promoting the advice we updated last year to highway authorities about local speed limits. Local authorities can restrict all traffic to 30, 40 or 50 mph where this is needed because of the use of roads by pedestrians and cyclists, settlements on roads, high air pollution or safety risks. Finally all drivers, but particularly the professional drivers of HGVs, need to be aware that the speed limit is a maximum not a guideline.
The Department for Transport is publishing the summary of single carriageway HGV speed limit consultation responses, the consultation document for dual carriageways and impact assessments for both measures.
Copies of these documents will be placed in the libraries of both Houses.
you don’t have to tell your insurance because they don’t tell the Insurance ‘Money Grabbers’ (oops sorry) Companies.
Unless they ask the specific question as some are now doing
you don’t have to tell your insurance because they don’t tell the Insurance ‘Money Grabbers’ (oops sorry) Companies.Unless they ask the specific question as some are now doing
Yea, if your a Goody Two Shoe’s, lol.
The Guy that ran my Speed school told us that they don’t liase with the insurance companies, so they are relying on your honesty.
But you are right & you should answer truthfully, if you have a Bang & it comes out in the wash that you didn’t declare speed school, it will make your insurance Null & Void.
8th april speed limit changes
I could swear that i read somewhere that itll come in force from 1st of jan. Thats why i was doing it. Ive read it again today and all it says early this year. Well ill just wait for it to come through or for someone to set it alight
Also interested to know why you went through the village, which incidentally has a 30 mph limit, as opposed to using the A47 which looks like a by pass according to Google maps.Ken.
I reckon He means the camera on the 47 where there are petrol stations either side of the road, that is Thorney toll, about 2 miles to the East off Thorney which is bypassed.
That Camera must be quite lively, a couple of weeks ago, on the way to work, I was following a BMW which in turn was following a lorry doing about 45mph, behind Me was another car, and behind that was something else that due to the height of its lights, I thought was either a van or 4x4. We all did a right at Guyhirn, and with that part off the 47 being a bit straighter I thought about looking for the overtake, as did the BMW, so I followed him out and the Van from one car behind Me came out too. Nothing wrong in this manoeuvre, so far, beemer clears he truck and pulls back to the left, as do I, but van man stays out to continue past Me (60mph not quick enough) and past the beemer, even though I backed off to allow him space between Me and the beemer(and flashed him), at this point He’s on the righthand side off the road in front of Bretts, still determined to have the beemer, and passes him on the chevrons for a right hand turn. Satisfied with his racetrack driving, he obviously kept his foot planted, because in the dark off that winters morning, I saw the speed camera double flash as van man sped past
and Beemer and I (doing steady 60) both caught up to him, behind one off Jacks finest at the round about for the Thorney bypass
I think this is the link we all need to read … r-hauliers NOTE it is only dual carriageway roads that are changing and it only covers England and Wales
I think this is the link we all need to read … r-hauliers NOTE it is only dual carriageway roads that are changing and it only covers England and Wales … mit-raised
that’s the one for the 40 - 50 increase
happening on the 6th april
I think this is the link we all need to read … r-hauliers NOTE it is only dual carriageway roads that are changing and it only covers England and Wales
No, it’s a consultation to look at raising duel carriageway from 50 to 60.
The NSL for a single carriageway IS the change that has been approved and will rise from 40 to 50 from 6th April
I can find a date for 50-60 in this link … rriageways but I still can not find a date for the 40-50. Can anyone find a link that give a date? Early 2015 is to vague
Ive just had a look and it says early 2015. Oh boIIOcks. 7years ive managed with a clean license. Hope they offer me the courseseven !! I managed 30 yrs before I got my first offence . I was gutted
Ha ha…I managed 10 days. I was 17, borrowed my mum’s Hillman Imp and was doing a whole 34 in a 30 when I got pulled by a cop on a bike!