Why Cyclists Get My Back Up


London cyclists …

Yeah but if they get knocked over they’ve never run a red light or done anything else wrong, personally I think hgv and pcv drivers should be issued with tazers and when a cyclist does something like those things in the video we should be allowed to take them down, for their own safety as well as others.

Sorry forgot the :wink:

This might cheer you up a little lol




This might cheer you up a little lol



:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

brilliant reverse

yeah good one! :smiley:

‘…Why Cyclists Get My Back Up…’


As with the rest of UK society, UK roads arena are successfully diversified what with cyclists being vs. lorries vs. caravans vs, pedestrians vs. 4x4’s vs. etc, etc and each more or less openly hostile to each other.

Meanwhile, the Government’s ‘Run the World and be governed from Brussels rather than managing the UK’s needs’ agenda openly ignores we who see our roads obviously running feral.

The liberal elite - with their quick to shout ‘whoever cares too much about anything is a racist/fascist’ corrosive élan shows we who care the energy sapping futility of snarling at other road-user groups without first demanding better Home Government from UK MP’s

Who are you voting for Keith?

‘…Who are you voting for Keith…?’

“Don’t tell him, Pike”


youtube.com/watch?v=jn0BVeKD5Xw :unamused:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn0BVeKD5Xw :unamused:

Being honest, at that point I’d have been looking for cyclists coming up the near side, and wiped out the guy cutting in on the right :confused:

He should be prosecuted!!!

I have no problem with cyclists whatsoever, I always give them plenty room. I find the biggest problem are most car drivers, especially on motorways.

I have no problem with cyclists whatsoever, I always give them plenty room. I find the biggest problem are most car drivers, especially on motorways.

You will do mate, cyclists arnt allowed on the motorway.


I have no problem with cyclists whatsoever, I always give them plenty room. I find the biggest problem are most car drivers, especially on motorways.

You will do mate, cyclists arnt allowed on the motorway.

■■? I never said anything about cyclists on motorways, only cars. I think you need to read it again. they are two completely different sentences.



I have no problem with cyclists whatsoever, I always give them plenty room. I find the biggest problem are most car drivers, especially on motorways.

You will do mate, cyclists arnt allowed on the motorway.

■■? I never said anything about cyclists on motorways, only cars. I think you need to read it again. they are two complete sentences.

Yeah i’m with you now. You’ve no problem with cyclists , just cars on motorways. I’ve always found cars easier to spot than cyclists myself, so i can’t really relate to what you say but i’ll take your word for it.




I have no problem with cyclists whatsoever, I always give them plenty room. I find the biggest problem are most car drivers, especially on motorways.

You will do mate, cyclists arnt allowed on the motorway.

■■? I never said anything about cyclists on motorways, only cars. I think you need to read it again. they are two complete sentences.

Yeah i’m with you now. You’ve no problem with cyclists , just cars on motorways. I’ve always found cars easier to spot than cyclists myself, so i can’t really relate to what you say but i’ll take your word for it.

Your 100% right. Cars are easier to spot than cyclists. That’s why you have to be more adherent to cyclists. The age limit for cars was 17 when I started driving. You can ride a cycle as a kid. I spend the majority of my time on motorways, so the percentage of car drivers doing daft things in my working day is far greater. Hope this helps?

What’s adherent?

The flip side of the coin…


the maoster:
‘…What’s adherent…?’

Adherent: Oxford Dictionary …Zzzz

'…Noun: 1. someone who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas. “he was a strong adherent of monetarism”; synonyms: follower, supporter, upholder, defender, advocate, disciple, votary, partisan, member, friend, stalwart; More antonyms: opponent
Adjective: 1. Sticking fast to an object or surface. “the eggs have thick sticky shells to which debris is often adherent”; synonyms: adhesive, sticky, sticking, adhering, clinging, tacky, gluey, gummy, gummed, cohesive, viscous, viscid, glutinous, mucilaginous…’

Adherent: TNUK

1. Bloke: When uncontrolled and regrettable ordure self adheres to an oblivious mate’s bunk-covering :open_mouth:

2. Bird: When blokes notice she primly returns from the bog with her skirt hem miraculously adhering to the top elasticated part of her knickers and causes a unified titter of merciless appreciation for the break from tedium she has given them :wink: