Why are suzies called suzies?

Been looking at various threads on air lines etc but cannot find out why Suzies are called Suzies. Anyone got any ideas?

No one seems to know for sure why Susies are called Susies.

Was something to do with the company that started making them in plastic and the story goes the female involved was called Suzy

It’s short for “suspended couplings”

Harry you sure !!

I will kill my old tradesman, I been using that reason for years

I was wondering this exact same thing only a couple of days ago. And I’m only licensed to drive class 2!

Harry you sure !!

I will kill my old tradesman, I been using that reason for years

Read THIS THREAD and gasp at the evil that dwells in the heart of your fellow driver… although I am not entirely sure that you are not in the same camp as Trubrit here :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks for that Harry - I was searching on Suzies and not on Susies. Regards.

Harry’s right for sure!

I still think i am right…come on Harry you remember the 60’s…and Stockport :wink:

I still think i am right…come on Harry you remember the 60’s…and Stockport :wink:

Don’t you start again! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

would it be a natonality like german or something…?

and i was searching for sussies :blush: glad i didnt find anything really :open_mouth: :smiley: