Why are people acting like illegal crossings is new?


Just an example video.
Before brexit illegal crossings were the norm. It was fairly easy to get into the UK as long as you could get inside a HGV and once inside the UK you was basically on your own to find a job or live with relatives. Most of the onus was on HGV drivers to stop these crossings with heavy fines imposed if illegals got caught on your truck.

Now with more strict checks on goods people use boats and the onus is on the government to ‘collect’ illegals that make it across the channel as crossing via HGV is not as viable anymore although still doable.

The difficulty we have is it is almost impossible to say how many illegal immigrants arrived pre-brexit because we do not know we only have estimates. But I suspect the number is roughly the same the only thing that has changed is the method illegals are using to cross.

I guess this topic is more of an observational point then anything… People were not that mad pre-brexit about the illegal immigrant crossing… Now, that people can not turn a blind eye to it as their method of crossing is more obvious there is outrage. Despite this being an issue for probably close to 20 years now.

I do think illegal crossings should be dealt with of course. But those on the brexit side and the remainer side finger pointing at each other for blame seems a bit moronic… pre brexit and post brexit this has been an issue. And those that claim pre-brexit we could at least send them back to France… True… and France would immediately release them and they would go back to Calais for their next crack at getting into the UK.

Old news, isn’t that how Brexit got voted in, control the borders, now they see its never going to happen, shock