Who's seen who w/e christmas day!

Spotted somebody this weak!!! :grimacing:
:arrow_right: I past SWraith on the A303 on tuesday morning. :wink: :smiley:

This week I’ve seen…

Nobody :frowning:

didn’t help that I spent most of Wednesday in Maritime Millbrook waiting for them to re-open the docks thanks to ice

Not seen noone but Ive had texts off of Garnerlives and spoke to Lee G on the phone - thanks for the advice btw Lee :wink:

Looks like its turned into the who aint seen no one this week thread.

Well add me to the list.

P.s. Thanks for the presents Santa.

I saw someone. Had a coffee with SWraith on monday. Nice to meet you mate.

Not seen noone but Ive had texts off of Garnerlives and spoke to Lee G on the phone - thanks for the advice btw Lee :wink:

the question is was it any good to you?

Lee G:

Not seen noone but Ive had texts off of Garnerlives and spoke to Lee G on the phone - thanks for the advice btw Lee :wink:

the question is was it any good to you?

Spot on!!
I think it was a trick to get me to come in, though I made it 1h20 late… :unamused:

I saw someone. Had a coffee with SWraith on monday. Nice to meet you mate.

You too mate, nice to put a face to a name.

Also seen Mr Spanky this week, but thats it for me.

Spotted somebody this weak!!! :grimacing:
:arrow_right: I past SWraith on the A303 on tuesday morning. :wink: :smiley:

As in you went past me, or you was coming the opposite way, cuz if you went past me then I must’ve been on a go slow… lol. If it was before 8am then I was on my way to Taunton, if after I was on my way back to Soton Docks

Did a Glasgow trunk leaving Stoke at 02.30 on the 24th.No hold ups going up,although it was minus 10 when I arrived at 07.15
Started the return trip at 08.30 and landed back here at 14.00.
Heard on the radio there were some accidents on the M74,but they were behind me fortunately.

i saw Gogzy the other day


Spotted somebody this weak!!! :grimacing:
:arrow_right: I past SWraith on the A303 on tuesday morning. :wink: :smiley:

As in you went past me, or you was coming the opposite way, cuz if you went past me then I must’ve been on a go slow… lol. If it was before 8am then I was on my way to Taunton, if after I was on my way back to Soton Docks

You were in a layby and i was faceing the same way as you in a reddaways removals actros rigid. :wink:

Often see SWraith in and around southampton.
If you ever see a white 8 wheel Mobile Mini scania knocking around giz a flash.

ps My name is S Wraith and I wanted that user name :unamused:

Simon :sunglasses: