Who was the Neanderthal truck driver on Vine today?

No wonder the public see us as bigoted, low intellect, ill educated idiots, if they listened to the tool truck driver talking about the cyclist dumped into a hedge by the young girl driver in Norfolk!

I have my problems with cyclists but jeez, this guy was apoplectic in his blinkered view that all cyclist should be forced to stop 40 yards before a set of traffic lights.

What a tool!

That was Guy Norgate.

You can catch that discussion ( Cyclists vs Motorists ) on the last 18 minutes of today’s Jeremy Vine.

You can replay it on iplayer here:


( Use the slider bar underneath to fast forward)

I think that bloke has been on before. They must book him through a theatrical agency.


What did you expect to hear on Jezzas’ show? It’s how this slot has gone since dear old JY left. Jimmy could come back tomorrow and wipe the floor with Jezza…

Not the brightest spark in the fire was he :laughing:

If you want to listen to the topic it starts at 01:43:37 here.

The bloke in question really started to excel in stupidity at 01:50:15 :unamused:

You’ve got to laugh though haven’t you :smiley:

Actually he is so good that I think they should offer him a regular spot on the Jeremy Vine show.

A bit like that Welsh gardening guru, Terry Walton, who gives advice on planting vegetables on your allotment.

Guy Norgate could offer tips on City Driving & Lane Discipline etc.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Jesus what a tool. He had to be a regular on here surely! :wink:

it was me :smiley:

No it was me :smiley:

No I am sparticus :laughing:

I thought exactly the same,the guy sounded like he had an IQ of 2 ! He couldn’t even string two words together.
I just hope the general public don’t think we are all like that,he was an embarrassment to truck drivers.

It was Bob.

What an idiot, sounds like he needs a few driving lessons if he struggling to deal with cyclists as much as he says he is, or maybe his boss should buy him a smaller lorry.

That bloke certainly had anger issues. He was ranting like a madman and sounds unsafe behind the wheel if you ask me. As for cyclists causing problems, well I have far more problems with motorists not indicating, or incorrectly indicating (especially at roundabouts)
Take a chill pill Guy or you’ll be found dead at the wheel soon matey :laughing:

Or better yet take up cycling as I’d bet my left testicle that’s he a fat basta…

Anger over cyclists goes back as far as 1945. (Apparently)



He needs help that driver. His answers had no relation to what was being asked :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: proper angry :smiley: :smiley:

It’s embarrasing but quite a few drivers are complete morons and a shame to the profession.

Actually he is so good that I think they should offer him a regular spot on the Jeremy Vine show.

A bit like that Welsh gardening guru, Terry Walton, who gives advice on planting vegetables on your allotment.

Guy Norgate could offer tips on City Driving & Lane Discipline etc.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

He IS a regular :frowning:

Everytime the vine show needs a stereotypical northern monkey predujiced trucker they drag this guy on. Last time he was on we was blaming it all on the tippers and of course “if there were no trucks none of your stuff would get delivered” for gods sake. I cringe everytime he gets airtime.

Sorry Pat driving is not a profession…

Well, that didn’t answer anything. Saying going down to the smoke probably didn’t make much sense to listeners either.