Who seen who... w/e the day of the big leak

Nick2008 is it?
Goaty - I will take up that offer at some point. I’m not totally antisocial

Probably a few others but truth be told I can’t remember…

I saw goaty today nr Ipswich, and if the big 'un drives a yellow tipper (mind has gone blank, cant thibk of the firm, ) i saw him somewhere on M25 or m11 Tuesday (possibly Monday :question: )

Think I saw Daf 3300 on wednesday going south on the m1 jn34 in convoy with a Baldwins crane.

MIGHT have seen FB11 late yesterday afternoon s/b M40 near High Wycombe.

Also MIGHT have seen Saaamon 0630 this morning s/b M1 near Nottingham pulling a flat with a load of pipes(?) on.

I’m not very good at this. :confused:

I saw goaty today nr Ipswich, and if the big 'un drives a yellow tipper (mind has gone blank, cant thibk of the firm, ) i saw him somewhere on M25 or m11 Tuesday (possibly Monday :question: )

I was on the M25 everyday lol (mind there was 10 of us around there all week) Mines a Daf spacecab with George Varney scrawled on it

Mon, Volvofh16 M11.
Tues, The big un & Animal M1, Switchlogic A50 (enjoying a refreshing can of energy drink) :wink:
Wed, Volvofh16 A55, Adam1987 A14.
Thurs, Dlote2009 M69.
Fri, Volvofh16 A1. Come to think of it I don’t think Nick was driving :smiley:
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Now I’m back on the road (and in daylight) I can respond.

Mon, Mark H on the M62
Tues I think I saw Rob Billman. Can’t remember where exactly…but I just saw the back end as you turned off (Either A1 or A14)
Thurs, Switchlogic on the M1. The 750 put my “little” 500 to shame.

Just Kate for me this week, Monday & Tuesday

the maoster:
MIGHT have seen FB11 late yesterday afternoon s/b M40 near High Wycombe.

Also MIGHT have seen Saaamon 0630 this morning s/b M1 near Nottingham pulling a flat with a load of pipes(?) on.

I’m not very good at this. :confused:

You did indeed, :slight_smile: sorry I missed you!!!

I took both hands off the steering wheel to give Stevieboy308 a double thumbs up on the A64 Wednesday :laughing:

Might have seen switchlogic on the M40 Thursday pulling a di Rijke trailer?? I did wave but wasn’t sure it was him.

the maoster:
MIGHT have seen FB11 late yesterday afternoon s/b M40 near High Wycombe.

Also MIGHT have seen Saaamon 0630 this morning s/b M1 near Nottingham pulling a flat with a load of pipes(?) on.

I’m not very good at this. :confused:

Not me mate, was just north of lincoln fast asleep then.

Switchlogic and a rather ■■■■■■ off looking Bertie, Tuesday, asleep in a layby on the A55, still there on my return journey!

Switchlogic again Today! walking back from the cafe/buttyvan at the bottom of Rhuallt hill with arms full of goodies! I tooted and got a half arsed wave this time! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I saw Chicken George on a A605 Thrapston-Peterborough heading east, Friday around 11.15am, and I claim my £5 voucher. Seriously, I only know it was him beacuse of the big name-plate in his window. I see lots of others, but I have a poor memory so never remember to check out if they are on here or not. :slight_smile:

the big un:

I saw goaty today nr Ipswich, and if the big 'un drives a yellow tipper (mind has gone blank, cant thibk of the firm, ) i saw him somewhere on M25 or m11 Tuesday (possibly Monday :question: )

I was on the M25 everyday lol (mind there was 10 of us around there all week) Mines a Daf spacecab with George Varney scrawled on it

It was you then!

I took both hands off the steering wheel to give Stevieboy308 a double thumbs up on the A64 Wednesday :laughing:

Might have seen switchlogic on the M40 Thursday pulling a di Rijke trailer?? I did wave but wasn’t sure it was him.

Sorry fella, I only did one hand, i’ll go for 2 next time!!

DaiDap… That’s all…

Think I saw Monarch of the Highway Friday afternoon heading towards Lymington

Now I’m back on the road (and in daylight) I can respond.

Mon, Mark H on the M62
Tues I think I saw Rob Billman. Can’t remember where exactly…but I just saw the back end as you turned off (Either A1 or A14)
Thurs, Switchlogic on the M1. The 750 put my “little” 500 to shame.

Semtex what you driving mate ?

I have seen someone this week but can’t think who :unamused:

Nick2008 is it?
Goaty - I will take up that offer at some point. I’m not totally antisocial

Probably a few others but truth be told I can’t remember…

yep M4 whoosh

mark h:

Now I’m back on the road (and in daylight) I can respond.

Mon, Mark H on the M62
Tues I think I saw Rob Billman. Can’t remember where exactly…but I just saw the back end as you turned off (Either A1 or A14)
Thurs, Switchlogic on the M1. The 750 put my “little” 500 to shame.

Semtex what you driving mate ?

I have seen someone this week but can’t think who :unamused:

I’m on for Reed Boardell mate. Am going to sort out a “Kernow” nameplate at somepoint in the near future