Was watching something else on YT and this showed up my “recommended videos” for some unknown reason.
What an utter ■■■■, and I’m not talking about the Asda driver.
Was watching something else on YT and this showed up my “recommended videos” for some unknown reason.
What an utter ■■■■, and I’m not talking about the Asda driver.
Big shame he’s disabled comments.
Annoys me to even watch it, car driver who can drive fast and overtake when he wants but also chooses to sit on the back corner and accelerate down the NS.
Utter, utter prick, compounded by the fact that he probably thinks he’s a fantastic driver and that the guy in the truck likes having to deal with utter ■■■■■■■ like him. If he can drive that fast to pass, why not go do it safely.
That pass at 1.30 is sheer suicide. Looks to slow down at 1.40 as well. Absolute divvy.
Do think the ASDA driver should have got on the indicator a bit sooner though. He’s already moving by the time it comes on. That’ll undoubtedly go against him. Although its clear what he wanted to do to anyone with any ounce of forethought.
You think he signed up that username before going looking for trouble or happened to get some footage before starting his one man crusade?
Such a shame he thinks he’s a great driver.
Just goes to show what we have to put up with every day.
(it’s only a game after all, you can always press ‘Restart’ can’t you ? )
He’s posted the video twice just to prove he is an idiot, and the second one hasn’t got comments disabled: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWKgiAbinVE
He’s posted the video twice just to prove he is an idiot, and the second one hasn’t got comments disabled: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWKgiAbinVE
Left a polite comment, finished off with a couple of insults.
I think he shortened it to make it look more dangerous to him, than him being the absolute ■■■■ that he is, which is absolutely clear in both clips.
What an absolute bell end the car driver must be!
Thing is, truck drivers put them selves in the same situation oblivious to the dangers.
IMHO though the car driver wasn’t doing anything wrong until after ■■■■ Asda driver decided to move into his lane after the other lorry moved over, if he had braked instead do accelerating, he would of looked a better driver and given him more credibility.
Then on the other hand, some thing must have happened prior to what is showen on the vid, because it seems the blue truck and the Asda truck seem to be braking for no reason, that Asda truck could have easily carried on to over take it instead of braking when he did. The variable speed limit was 60mph!
What an absolute bell end the car driver must be!
Can you explain why? Looks to me he was following a truck in lane 1 at a safe distance, with another truck overtaking both of them.
And we have a ■■■■ in an Asda wagon who doesn’t use his near side mirrors!
Rob K:
Was watching something else on YT and this showed up my “recommended videos” for some unknown reason.youtube.com/watch?v=7Kj6TwpmW1g
What an utter ■■■■, and I’m not talking about the Asda driver.
This is the average car driver in Britain. And, there’s a reason, why comments are disabled at this video…
He’s posted the video twice just to prove he is an idiot, and the second one hasn’t got comments disabled: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWKgiAbinVE
hahaha, if I was him, I would delete this video…
What an absolute bell end the car driver must be!Can you explain why? Looks to me he was following a truck in lane 1 at a safe distance, with another truck overtaking both of them.
And we have a ■■■■ in an Asda wagon who doesn’t use his near side mirrors!
No mate; we have a ■■■■ in the Mercedes.
He’s posted the video twice just to prove he is an idiot, and the second one hasn’t got comments disabled: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWKgiAbinVEhahaha, if I was him, I would delete this video…
If I was the Asda driver, I would be worried about my job.
Still think something happened further back, looking again, it seems those 2 trucks were deliberately blocking the car.
What an absolute bell end the car driver must be!Can you explain why? Looks to me he was following a truck in lane 1 at a safe distance, with another truck overtaking both of them.
And we have a ■■■■ in an Asda wagon who doesn’t use his near side mirrors!No mate; we have a ■■■■ in the Mercedes.
Yes I agree they are all ■■■■■ in mercs, but up until the Asda driver decided to go into an occupied lane with out looking, what exactly was the merc driver doing wrong?
I think he did a good job of making the Asda driver out to be a bad driver, which could cost him his job! And was bloody brave to stand his ground.
because it seems the blue truck and the Asda truck seem to be braking for no reason, that Asda truck could have easily carried on to over take it instead of braking when he did. The variable speed limit was 60mph!
Maybe/probably they are going down hill and the brakes are being applied to keep under 60. I bet the Asda lorry wanted to come in earlier and the Mercedes driver just stayed where he was which he is entitled to do. You can see the Merc moving backwards and forwards in relation to the Asda lorry as he is maintaining a legal speed.
The Asda lorry did misjudge/not check for/ or plain forgot/ that the Merc was still lurking there. That does not give the Merc driver, no mater how scary the situation, the right to keep where he was or to move further up the inside of the Asda lorry.
Similar to the Porche accident, if one driver is making a mistake/deliberately trying to run him off the road he should not compound the problem by either staying there or moving further up the blind side or not take avoiding action.
The car driver is a ■■■■, if there is more to it than the video shows then I’m sure the poster of the vid would show that rather than what came later.
He found himself in a precarious position and decided to stay there and then put himself into further danger by moving up the blind side and eventually fully undertaking the Asda lorry.
Oooo forgot to say CSI trucknet abuse etc welcome, plenty of KY ready for any impending pineapples/brooms/fists/comments/critasisms or anything else you want to shove up there!!!
He’s posted the video twice just to prove he is an idiot, and the second one hasn’t got comments disabled: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWKgiAbinVEhahaha, if I was him, I would delete this video…
If I was the Asda driver, I would be worried about my job.
Still think something happened further back, looking again, it seems those 2 trucks were deliberately blocking the car.
They’re all ■■■■■.
You see this kind of behaviour all the time when they’ve got a coned off area near J12 luton at night. I just slow down and let em pass me and let 'em get on with it.
If the Car driver really fancies himself as a gambler, he could turn off at J12, and pop into that fancy card room just off the main road in town there, and continuously shove his stack holding 2-7o and see what eventually happens to him…
the asda driver has obviously been gaining on the other truck on a slope,then as the road has levelled out has found himself going at the same speed and wanting to come back in,but this tool has said to himself “i’m in my rights to sit here in my mercedes” instead of just dropping back to let the poor bloke in,as it has been said before one day he will cause a bad accident but will just shoot off leaving carnage in his wake,bet he wont be showing that video.
What an absolute bell end the car driver must be!Can you explain why? Looks to me he was following a truck in lane 1 at a safe distance, with another truck overtaking both of them.
And we have a ■■■■ in an Asda wagon who doesn’t use his near side mirrors!
{best John McCenroe voice} You can not be serious man.
Neither driver covers themselves with glory but the muppet who posts [zb] like this on the tinterwebby and tries to portray themselves as the innocent party shades it in this case.
This is what should have happened
Let us hear the full recording ■■?