Who has seen who W/E 10/11

I have seen mr vain, dogthehunter and ovlov jay on the A14, seen dan Lote twice too

Switchlogic NB on the M1 on Tuesday afternoon rolling up to the back of the traffic that was there all day.

Washy Jr on Thursday, M42

lets see this week

spanky on the M5 down by worcester on monday morning
mr vain on the A14 during the week cant remeber which day
oldhippyandy in A plants yard and later on at MIRA on thursday
tonka looking lost in burton on trent on friday morning

and as usual no doubt theres someone ive forgotton :blush:

Switchlogic in Belgium Tuesday morning,not sure if it was dai dap in the lanes waiting to board the train in Calais Friday morning about 9am.

Mickyblue leaving lay bay on A43 on Wednesday morning.

not sure if it was dai dap in the lanes waiting to board the train in Calais Friday morning about 9am.

That was the other one. I was in the lanes Thursday morning.

Just mark h on Wednesday on the A14. You were a bit far south mate :open_mouth: :laughing:

Mon, Mickyblue A406 A404 Junction waiting at the lights am, Dlote2008 M1.
Fri, Gickniff M1 Chapman69 yard.
Very quiet :smiley:

Just mark h on Wednesday on the A14. You were a bit far south mate :open_mouth: :laughing:

Had the elastic rope taken off mate and was let loose ! Had loaded Thetford that morning when I seen ya was all about to get out behind ya but the prick in the BMW decided to slow me down thus losing the momentum up hill !! Wagon looks well though mate

Saw MickeyBlue coming into Brackley on Wednesday morning,Saw DaiDap on the M42 on Thursday and there was some one else this week,but after 6 days on the bounce my memory is shot :laughing:

washy jnr:
Saw MickeyBlue coming into Brackley on Wednesday morning,Saw DaiDap on the M42 on Thursday and there was some one else this week,but after 6 days on the bounce my memory is shot :laughing:

Me. :laughing: Think it was Wednesday on the A34.


washy jnr:
Saw MickeyBlue coming into Brackley on Wednesday morning,Saw DaiDap on the M42 on Thursday and there was some one else this week,but after 6 days on the bounce my memory is shot :laughing:

Me. :laughing: Think it was Wednesday on the A34.

That’s who it was!! :smiley: It was Wednesday mate…I will pay more attention next week :wink: