Who goes where w/c Mon 16/06/08

Due to other commitments tomorrow I’m starting this today

So where is everyone going :question:

Leaving Copenhagen tonight for Nijmegen Holland for Sunday, then Glasgow, Birmingham, and Manchester for Friday, Belfast Saturday.

WSM to Tilbury monday, quick trailer swap and a local run, then onto the Ramsgate to Oostende ferry monday night, and back to the Continent for another 3 weeks or so.

shipping either to calais or dunkerque sunday afternoon 3 drops todo in italy next week :laughing: should be back up by friday tea time

2 drops milan on tuesday :smiley:

one drop Bristol, then wherever afetr that but out till friday morning…Happy days :laughing: :laughing:


Nice try :unamused: edited for censor dodge

basildon too magor and back, again!
roll on the following week, back too portugal hopefully.

Most probably in the clink for 42 days without charge or charges for trying to drum up support against fuel tax on this forum etc.
My neighbour does not like me so has reported me as being an undesirable towards the government. Yiu have seen the adverts in your news paper.
I put the wrong bin out on bin collection day.
I’ll leave Gordon Brown to fill in the rest for how the government wants to take your liberties away from you…
Take away your operaters licence for protesting etc etc.
ID cards…
Etc etc.

Most probably in the clink for 42 days without charge or charges for trying to drum up support against fuel tax on this forum etc.
My neighbour does not like me so has reported me as being an undesirable towards the government. Yiu have seen the adverts in your news paper.
I put the wrong bin out on bin collection day.
I’ll leave Gordon Brown to fill in the rest for how the government wants to take your liberties away from you…
Take away your operaters licence for protesting etc etc.
ID cards…
Etc etc.

Feeling a tad bitter are we today? :laughing:

I’m going to sunny Scunny on Monday…can’t wait! :smiley:


Most probably in the clink for 42 days without charge or charges for trying to drum up support against fuel tax on this forum etc.
My neighbour does not like me so has reported me as being an undesirable towards the government. Yiu have seen the adverts in your news paper.
I put the wrong bin out on bin collection day.
I’ll leave Gordon Brown to fill in the rest for how the government wants to take your liberties away from you…
Take away your operaters licence for protesting etc etc.
ID cards…
Etc etc.

Feeling a tad bitter are we today? :laughing:

I’m going to sunny Scunny on Monday…can’t wait! :smiley:

I don’t do bitter…
I do realism. :sunglasses:
The government can’t fight street \ knife\ gun crime, so how is this going to help fight terrorism.
I’ll go out tonight and get mugged stabbed and beat up and the police will put it down as a statistic!
They won’t even bother investigating it!
And you know it!!
So which crime is being addressed more??
Me getting mugged stabbed and beat up (which is on the rise) or a let’s use the terrorist crap as an excuse to pass a law where we can snoop on the public in general and detain you because because your neighbour or they think you have done wrong for 42 days.
It’s becoming a bit like the days of the Stasi.
People just disappeared on the say so of a neighbour who didn’t like you or because you spoke out like we do on here.
We lived under the threat of the IRA for years and we did not have this Draconian Attitude then, so why now??
Have a good one in Scunny.

Coatbridge for 9am :open_mouth:

I drew the short straw. I’ll still be singing i am the wild rover at 3 am on Monday morn !!

castleford at a very civilised 8am monday - livin’ the dream eh? :unamused: mind you it might mean i can escapte to sweden for a few days week after :smiley:

Monday 2xQ’s off to “Creepy Forest”
trucknetuk.com/phpBB2/viewtopic. … highlight=
to pickup a load for South Wales.

Monday its Manchester M1 for 0930
then back to Cov for drops in Brum

then the rest of the week is a mystery
hopefully some lazy days so i can work on the house

start on sunday edinburgh to north killingholme drop trailer for shipping to hook,pick up loaded maybe for 1 of 3 places.

Doncaster Rail Freight depot for 0600 and then over to leeds with a 40 foot high cube for tipping after that the world is my oyster and ive got untill Friday for the planners to do with me as they will…Tramping for the week, :sunglasses:

After many years on the artics and the firm going bust i start back on a rigid crane lorry :laughing:
First local container shifting Monday then off to Bewick on tweed with some machinary. :confused:
don’t know the rest yet.



Most probably in the clink for 42 days without charge or charges for trying to drum up support against fuel tax on this forum etc.
My neighbour does not like me so has reported me as being an undesirable towards the government. Yiu have seen the adverts in your news paper.
I put the wrong bin out on bin collection day.
I’ll leave Gordon Brown to fill in the rest for how the government wants to take your liberties away from you…
Take away your operaters licence for protesting etc etc.
ID cards…
Etc etc.

Feeling a tad bitter are we today? :laughing:

I’m going to sunny Scunny on Monday…can’t wait! :smiley:

I don’t do bitter…
I do realism. :sunglasses:
The government can’t fight street \ knife\ gun crime, so how is this going to help fight terrorism.
I’ll go out tonight and get mugged stabbed and beat up and the police will put it down as a statistic!
They won’t even bother investigating it!
And you know it!!
So which crime is being addressed more??
Me getting mugged stabbed and beat up (which is on the rise) or a let’s use the terrorist crap as an excuse to pass a law where we can snoop on the public in general and detain you because because your neighbour or they think you have done wrong for 42 days.
It’s becoming a bit like the days of the Stasi.
People just disappeared on the say so of a neighbour who didn’t like you or because you spoke out like we do on here.
We lived under the threat of the IRA for years and we did not have this Draconian Attitude then, so why now??
Have a good one in Scunny.

I thought someone asked where we were going Monday ? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: