Who goes where w/c Mon 01/01/07

So where is everyone going this week :question:

hoddesdon monday night (double time though) :sunglasses:


Monday= Heathrow airport :smiley:
Tuesday= Heathrow :slight_smile:
Wednesday= Heathrow :astonished:
Thursday= Heathrow :open_mouth:
Friday= Heathrow :confused:

What an exciting job i have, Wish i got to do abit more driving & less waiting around!! :unamused:

Monday= Heathrow airport :smiley:
Tuesday= Heathrow :slight_smile:
Wednesday= Heathrow :astonished:
Thursday= Heathrow :open_mouth:
Friday= Heathrow :confused:

What an exciting job i have, Wish i got to do abit more driving & less waiting around!! :unamused:

thats fife :exclamation: ,but you do just 4On/4Off,as i remember :laughing:

monday car selling/hangover?
tue tip one trailer/ load trailer for wed/thu
thu finish run/backload
fri no idea
basic not too much hassle week.

till next week

off monday,rest of week delivering beer nottingham,lincolnshire,south yorks,hopefully things will be very slow this next few weeks.

Silvertown for me, oh the bliss of London traffic on the first day after christmas, cannot bleedin wait.

Monday…nowhere, but reset countdown clock to Christmas.
Tuesday…back to work…start countdown

cardiff for me ,14-00hours booking so nice lay in for me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

In bed with a bad hangover no doubt…

back on weds :angry:

Lancashire. By car.

To visit a Father-in-Law who is confined to a Home suffering from Dementia, and a Mother-in-Law recovering from a Stroke.

It could be the last time we see either, or both.

And, time permitting, on the way back we’ll stop at Cannock and forewarn them of the ‘impending party’ :wink: :wink:

zedelgem and gent belguim.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

it should be quiet as I have it on good authority they will all be over here,… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

For some reason thay have no bus drivers in Romania, very strange.

im doing a week (well strating tuesday) on sugar beet into bury st edmunds, oh the joy!!

Loaded yesterday for tipping Banbury on Tuesday, Does anyone want a 23 tonne chocolate bar? :wink:

Then loading cream from Market Drayton for Germany

Malc where are you delivering to in germany,

brit pete:
Malc where are you delivering to in germany,

Only just in Pete, Close to Rheine, Sorry I thought it was near you, I just realised you are in Dortmund not Osnabruck.

back to the old routine more blood tests then of to southampton to collect my truck… :cry: :cry:


Monday= Heathrow airport :smiley:
Tuesday= Heathrow :slight_smile:
Wednesday= Heathrow :astonished:
Thursday= Heathrow :open_mouth:
Friday= Heathrow :confused:

What an exciting job i have, Wish i got to do abit more driving & less waiting around!! :unamused:

thats fife :exclamation: ,but you do just 4On/4Off,as i remember :laughing:

I work monday to friday 50 hrs a week min :smiley: