I was listening to the BBC world service the other night and a lady fortune teller said that most of Great Britain would have a white christmas this year. I hope you get it.
I would find it a nice change to NOT have a white one because this damm snow is begining to get on my nerves, almost 5ft in 10 days and now it is snowing again. Last Christmas Day we had 3ft and got cut off till boxing day evening.
I do however wish you all a very merry AND WHITE Christmas back there.
Well, I hope we do too, I’m back over here for my first Xmas in the UK since 1988, I really want a white Xmas, we’d better get one, or else I’ll want my money back!
Well, The snow is starting… OKay, so it was only a few flakes, but we had some last night in Romford, Essex… and Ive heard that Its now snowing in Norfolk…
Cliff, welcome Home Buddy… Hope you have a Brilliant xmas mate…
All the best!!
We don’t get proper quality snowed-in-for-a-week snow anymore over here. Any “deluge” we do have has melted by lunchtime of the same day. It’s not expected to be a white Crimbo in England