Which Union???

and if the employee reps tried to stand up their lives were made “difficult” by the companies.

As a Union rep,I can confirm life is more difficult as a rep !! :frowning:

Although I will fight for my members 110%, the biggest problem is the members,if they dont stick together- got no chance!

Ive used Legal help and found it good, had a few members make claims and got good results, but yes my expereince of full time officials is poor! :cry:

hi everybody have been in urtu 42 years best thing i ever did -compo claims legal representation the lot get the strenght of the union behind you-if you ever have to go to court etc industrial deafness claim speeding fines etc alan

Forgot to mention, I only work for a family run business, about 12 of us on the floor, i’m only one of the two ‘designated’ delivery drivers. (if you could call me that, I do everything but…).

We don’t and boss WON’T have reps/shop stewards etc.

I was asking cos all i would like is cover/representation if/when the preverbial hits the fan.

Can you get something like that, so it comes out like a direct debit instead of through wages, cos the boss would NOT be happy!!

Asking why why why why, do you need that■■?..

Yes!!! It IS like ‘that’ here. Stuck between a rock and a hard place :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Yes, you can do it by direct debit. No need for the gaffer to know :wink:

Was a member of the FBU for many years, stood up for them during 2 bitter strikes, so I am not anti union. However, I would not join any of the current bunch,I am dead against Unite action at BA, If BA were making vast fortunes and paying thier top executives £63m like the boss of Barclays, then i could understand, and support the strike, but they are jepodising the jobs of thousands of other BA workers, trying to bring down a company that is on it’s last legs, losing money hand over fist. In the current climate, i would expect the unions to support the company, to try to save guard those other jobs.
BA is or was one of the few major british companies that could compete against the best of the foreign outfits.
Bye bye BA, yet another british industry handed on a plate to the foreign operators

become a muslm. they get everything. houses, cars, money, ak47’s, explosives, a passport of choice.

i’ve heard it’s quite a big powerful union.

Been in the URTU over 10 yrs, found them very helpful.

URTU is the only union that only represents drivers.

Join today, you know it makes sense and you will need them at sometime!

0800 526639

Anyone can join via the URTU WEBSITE which may be easier :bulb:

‘Unite has 140,000 members involved directly and indirectly with the road haulage industry,’

They claim a total membership of 2,000,000.

‘If they are so good why are drivers so poorly treated in conditions and wages,’

Go figure! Put the votes of e.g. 100 factory monkeys against those of 10 drivers, who’s gonna win?

T & G etc. is too big to properly look after the interests of a splintered, minority group like drivers.

‘I would join any union that was prepared to fight for this industry,’

Correction, fight for the rights of drivers, RHA and FTA are “supposed” to look after the industry.

‘Unite are backing 80% of 9200 cabin crew to bring down British Airways. You are paying for that!’

Only if you have agreed to pay the political levy? URTU is NOT affiliated to any political party.

Go look at the URTU website! Then join!


Happy Keith:
'… am keen not to fund political nonsense … through affiliations, etc…’
You could go to a private solicitor to get advise but how would you know if they gave 10% of their earnings to the monster raving loony party or terrorism groups ?
If it was illegal then I’d default to letting the law take it’s effect - or not give a ■■■■. Besides, what solicitor gives money away!
> ROG:
> ‘…Would it matter as long as you got what you needed and any monies paid were not funding illegal acts…?’
Yes it would - and it is why I asked. This government has perpetrated immoral acts that verge on criminal on my behalf as a citizen (eg, the Lisbon Treaty) and I’d sooner be damned than give them money and supposed sanction for doing so through a union subscription.
Society needs to break free of tribal loyalties of party affiliation - to include unions waking up to realise how their subs are spent simply because it made sense during the 1928 Great Depression, etc. In short, how can a union carry any weight when they fund a raving traitor in Number 10?

if a road transport union said it will be holding a one week strike against, fuel, pay, health and safety nonesense, speed limiters, and hours regs. then i would join.

all i see is unions that are on the make. just like the polititions.

‘…if a road transport union said it will be holding a one week strike against, fuel, pay, health and safety nonesense, speed limiters, and hours regs. then i would join…’

Yeah, bring on compulsory, ■■■■■■■■■ fighting too

If every truck driver was in the same union and a strike was called, I wonder what precentage would actually come out on strike…

If every truck driver was in the same union and a strike was called, I wonder what precentage would actually come out on strike…

12 months ago, i wouldn’t think you would have got anywhere near half.
but the way things are going, there are a hell of a lot of disgruntled workers in all industries. even the staff at my bank are [zb]ed off. many are on minimum wage, yet their bosses take huge bonuses.

If every driver was in URTU, would a strike need to be called? Just the possibility of road transport stopping for a day or several may wake a few bosses up!

Why do we need to withdraw our labour? There’s other ways of disrupting deliveries without losing money…

Do you know why train drivers earn reasonable money for reasonable hours? Because they are willing to come out on strike to get what they want. They lose a days money this week but they make it up over the years with the pay rises they win!

If every truck driver was in the same union and a strike was called, I wonder what precentage would actually come out on strike…

If I came out on strike, I would be out on my ear in some way or another, me boss would find a way!!! :imp: :imp: :imp:

interesting reading for you! :wink:

interesting reading for you! :wink:

The Times & The Sunday Times: breaking news & today's latest headlines

Sorry, there’s nothing interesting about the article at all. Just that self obsessed arse giving us his tuppence worth. I think it’s a bit rich him having a pop at the cars people drive when he’s usually behind the wheel of his Jag as he meanders down the drive of his stately pile in the Cotswolds. It’s ok for him but not the workers, eh?

Happy Keith:

‘…who is the best ‘union’ type body to join these days … Is it the FTA, RHA or someone else…’

It has been on my mind to get union ‘cover’ too - but am just as keen for them not to fund political nonsense via my pocket through affiliations, etc.

Anyone know of the loyalties that the seemingly sound URTU have before I ring 'em?

They don’t have any political affiliations, so none of your money will find it’s way into Gordons’ wallet!

No. If the cabin crew win, the airline will go under and everyone will be out of a job. So, if they lose, they lose, and if they win, they still lose. Only, if they win, we all lose, because a nation with no national airline is like a nation with no national anthem. Even Ethiopia has one.

Forget about the scribe, read the message,

British Airways becomes Lufthansa Airways or Air Uganda as happened with the Rail Network and Schenker