WHICH TRUCK??????????//

ive found some lgv training companys in my area one has DAF trucks and one has VOLVO trucks, which one is the better to drive my dad says dafs are rubbish to drive but dunno any help cheers.

That’s all depends what you like.

I had driven a lot in DAF’s CF and I really liked them.

But volvo is nice as well. But in Volvo FM I have not as much space for my legs as I have in DAF so personally I prefer DAF.

Hi Igamston well i learned in the Daf which i loved it was sooooo easy to drive it was a 56 plate and now i drive a 03 plate 45 but get a new one this year i hope if i get thought the 3 months trial… :open_mouth: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Ade :smiling_imp:

ok thanks

The truck will not matter - unless it is a complete knacker - it is the quality of the driver that does :exclamation: