I’m on home delivery and want a new TomTom the one I have is an old start about 5 Years old!
I’ve been looking at a 25M or a XL IQ, what is the difference?
any suggestions guys?
I’m on home delivery and want a new TomTom the one I have is an old start about 5 Years old!
I’ve been looking at a 25M or a XL IQ, what is the difference?
any suggestions guys?
Go for the xl mate the newer ones are (carp)
yes i do multi drop
Halfords have deals on this weekend for Tom toms with lifetime map updating for around the £100 mark. They will demonstrate them for you.
No, I don’t work there.
Does anyone use the cheap ebay ones?
From what research I’ve done, they use the same base maps just display them differently…
Like this one.
ebay.co.uk/itm/Eroda-TRUCK-8 … 3ccbdf3775
well ive actually gone and bought the 25 m after looking at it in halfords at £119, then went home and ordered it off amazon for £89.
I s’pose I should have gone with life experience which says you only get what you pay for, but I have ordered a Noza Tec system for £45 from Flea-Bay. I noticed the speed of the processor is only 533 MHz as opposed to the 800MHz quoted in the spec in J_Ks post, but it has a free sun-shade… I’ll probably be offering it in the For Sale section for £20 next week under an assumed name
, but hey-ho…
I bought a 135 via from Halfords on offer at £99 last month. Had a few problems trying to download existing poi’s (from my old tomtom) Anyway upshot…just returned yesterday my 4th 135 via because of other problems as well and now got a ‘Start 25’ seems ok instantly & works much faster than the 135’s. (Was given the 25 for the same price as offer price so I saved £29
Ebay & Amazon are ok but when having to return stuff (as I have had to) I much prefer a shop ie Halfords!
Google navigate has always worked just fine on my smartphone. Weight limits and low bridges it doesn’t have though, but then who cannot read a sign saying weight limit follow diversion or whatever
Wouldnt mind a prover truck satnav though, but not for £300. And I dunno if I trust those cheap ebay tablet type ones…
I bought a 135 via from Halfords on offer at £99 last month. Had a few problems trying to download existing poi’s (from my old tomtom) Anyway upshot…just returned yesterday my 4th135 via because of other problems as well and now got a ‘Start 25’ seems ok instantly & works much faster than the 135’s. (Was given the 25 for the same price as offer price so I saved £29
Ebay & Amazon are ok but when having to return stuff (as I have had to) I much prefer a shop ie Halfords!
But does the start 25 include hgv restrictions and such?
You can download them free apparently from the tomtom website. I’ve had them for years so would have to look at how new ones are put on etc.
If you bought a tomtom I’m sure I could send them via email (file transfer) or similar anyway.
I s’pose I should have gone with life experience which says you only get what you pay for, but I have ordered a Noza Tec system for £45 from Flea-Bay. I noticed the speed of the processor is only 533 MHz as opposed to the 800MHz quoted in the spec in J_Ks post, but it has a free sun-shade…I’ll probably be offering it in the For Sale section for £20 next week under an assumed name
, but hey-ho…
im using one of those, good bit of kit, takes a bit of getting used to but as good as tomtom truck in my opinion (had tomtom truck for years). i have just put 2013 maps on (latest) but cant get the updates off the site so got the map of a mate.
I too have a NozaTech:
and I have to say for the money its pretty good - bit of a fiddle to get used to but other than that A1 IMO!
I too have a NozaTech:and I have to say for the money its pretty good - bit of a fiddle to get used to but other than that A1 IMO!
Thanks - I have hope I haven’t bought a lemon. And I don’t mind a bit of fiddling…
Meanwhile, back on thread (sorry), if you’re stuck on buying a TomTom Oldboy, good luck, but if you’re interested, I’ll post again about first impressions if you like, although if others have been using theirs for a while they will be better to ask…