Where's my truck?

Did a drop (agency work) at Tesco’s depot in Milton Keynes on Saturday. 5am start, only missed my booking slot because whoever used the truck before me didn’t fill up with diesel before he gave the keys in :angry:

Anyway, I was in there for 0630 and there were some glum looking faces in the Goods In office - Seems they’d had some computer problems in the night, and as a result one driver had been waiting since he tipped at 5am for his paperwork! Not a good start to the day especially as I’ve a mid-day booking at Asda in Chepstow…

I was tipped and ready to go within an hour, but then had to wait for my paperwork. Eventually ready and on my way out the gate about 0830. The cheerful security bloke on the gate asked to see inside my truck, so I open the back again and he glances inside “All OK - You’re clear to go”

“No I’m not!!” I said - “I had a pallet truck in there when I came in - it’s not there now!” Back to Goods In and explain the problem to the clerk there. Much amusement all around but I’m directed straight onto another bay where the missing pallet truck is loaded back on and I’m away again. Only now it’s nearly 0900 and there’s no way I’m going to make that mid-day booking at Chepstow :angry: . Mind you, that driver was still waiting for his paperwork!

I was eventually only a little over three quarters of an hour late into Chepstow, and it all went smoothly there (except they loaded me with six empty pallets when the paperwork specifically stated mine were “one way” pallets…). An uneventful trot back to base (stopping off at home for five minutes so my kids can have a look inside Daddy’s truck :smiley: ) and I’m finished by 1715hrs.

So that’s another run chalked up, and another lesson learned (check that the bloomin’ pallet truck is on the back before leaving the loading bay…)

I’ve lost count of the times i’ve reversed straight back onto a bay cuz they’ve either left the bar out / nicked straps / nicked pallets for chocking / loaded it like blind dumb monkies…

Funnily enuf, about 50% of all these times was at Wincanton Brockworth… !!!

Chrisie… :sunglasses: