I’ve been viewing this site all week,only daring to post on a couple of threads.
One thing has stood out is the hatred of cyclists at the moment we have 8 threads on the 1st page of the forum about cyclists, why it can’t be kept to a single thread beats me!
Iam posting as a trucker and my question is…
Why weren’t you as vocal on the DCPC and why did non of you do anything about it??
I’ve been viewing this site all week,only daring to post on a couple of threads.One thing has stood out is the hatred of cyclists at the moment we have 8 threads on the 1st page of the forum about cyclists, why it can’t be kept to a single thread beats me! Iam posting as a trucker and my question is…Why weren’t you as vocal on the DCPC and why did non of you do anything about it??
I’m not anti cyclist, and in fact I’ve been quite impressed at the level of debate about cyclists. Refreshingly free, for the most part, of the usual ill - informed cobblers sometimes spouted by both sides.
Which part of going back to school did you enjoy then?
Do not dare tell us on a public forum that you even paid for it!
Considering that on every one of my DCPC courses there was at least one old timer and they were making simple errors in the quizzes even down to bridge height simple questions taken from the theory test. I’d say everyone can learn from DCPC
Yes it’s boring.
Yea it should be pass fail rather than attendance only.
Yes it should be cheaper or 100% employer funded for everyone. Mine was employer funded
But NO it shouldn’t be scrapped and if anyone believes they know everything about this job (or any other) it’s time to park up and ■■■■ off.
Remember a fool learns from no one a wise man from everyone
But what if on the other hand you do have a driver or two that really does know his/her stuff? The trainers will have you believe that even god could be taught a thing or two and if he thinks otherwise he is a cyclist killing moron from your local council estate.
Granted, you can’t know everything about this industry but then again you don’t need to know everything, just what is relevant to you and the job you do.
Far too much emphasis is put on the “making drivers feel guilty” about being good at what they do or daring to think the fact. I remember one driver trainer coming out with the phrase " there’s no such thing as a perfect drive", I mean what sort of a statement is that to make to a driver hoping to get top marks on an assessment? I told him where to go and yet it was me who had the attitude problem. Can’t see where he got that one from
The number of telephone calls I’ve had from other drivers, sitting dcpc courses, asking me if certain parts of what they were being fed were correct because they had their doubts is really quite astonishing, especially when I’ve looked up the information and found the trainer to be wrong. The best one so far was the one who insisted that C & E could no longer driver drawbars. He was adamant he was correct because the dcpc trainer told them it was true.
Too much lefty wrist wringing in this game for me nowadays.
Why weren’t you as vocal on the DCPC and why did non of you do anything about it??
Because when you look at some of the outright bollox posted by supposedly experienced drivers as well as asking fundamental questions about drivers hours regs it is obvious to anyone that the DCPC is sorely needed.
I’ve been viewing this site all week,only daring to post on a couple of threads.
One thing has stood out is the hatred of cyclists at the moment we have 8 threads on the 1st page of the forum about cyclists, why it can’t be kept to a single thread beats me!
Iam posting as a trucker and my question is…
Why weren’t you as vocal on the DCPC and why did non of you do anything about it??
Ive been very vocal on this subject, dont hate cyclists, and have engaged with many large cycling groups on social media so far with positive results. So there
I agree with the idea of DCPC, but a lot of companies out there making a mint out of it at the moment whilst putting on dull, uninteresting, often largely irrelevant courses ran by people who aren’t even that clued up themselves.
I’d like to think in time when it becomes accepted, that employers might start making proper advantage of the system that exists purely to make sure drivers are up to speed with what they’re doing. Yes, you can have the generic courses about tacho regs etc. but it is possible for companies to design and register their own DCPC courses that are relevant to the jobs their drivers are doing. So, a company could design a course about properly using the machinery on some new kit they are getting - driver then does the days training and it counts towards their DCPC hours.
when sept 2014 comes then i will be reverting back to being white van man,i cannot get a full time job with a company willing to pay for it and i cannot afford it so have no choice but to give up my hgv,its not a question of weeding out undesirables when it comes in for the final time in 2014 as there will be a lot of hgv drivers out there who cannot afford it so they will have no choice either,then there possibly will be a driver shortage,brilliant for those who allready have it,as they will probably be able to dictate to the employer,but it could also go the other way and that is employers hiring from abroad like they do now for a lot cheaper than paying a british driver,there will be quite a few east european drivers willing to work for the minimum wage and employers know this i spoke to a fellow agency driver who has all his dcpc and he said roll on sept 2014, like i said though it could go the other way with the eastern european drivers,lets face it the government will not do anything about it because they do not give a txxs about the transport industry,we will just have to wait and see
The thing I disagree with in the DCPC thing is a that many employers make you pay for it. After all, DCPC is mooted as a safety thing and name me one other job where the employee has to buy his own PPE and b a lot of the approved training isn’t relevant.
I would give my right arm right now for a chance to spend a day in a classroom learning all about abnormal loads. When do I need to mark them and how etc. All I have had is a quick diagram and the cheerful phrase, “there will always be someone to ask!” But unless I can find an Abnormal Loads course that is approved by the CPC people I wll be forced to spend two days in the classroom learning 100% of stuff of which only 35% may actually be relevant to my line of work.
name me one other job where the employee has to buy his own PPE
I suggest you point your employer at Regulation 4 of the PPE at Work Regulations 1992. The gist of it being that the employer must provide necessary PPE and may not make any charge for doing so.
I’ve been viewing this site all week,only daring to post on a couple of threads.
One thing has stood out is the hatred of cyclists at the moment we have 8 threads on the 1st page of the forum about cyclists, why it can’t be kept to a single thread beats me!
Iam posting as a trucker and my question is…
Why weren’t you as vocal on the DCPC and why did non of you do anything about it??
are you just trying to stir it up?
as a trucker, have you been vocal about the dcpc? if so what have you done about it?
i’d say i’ve read far more hate against the dcpc on here than i have about cyclists.
i’m pro dcpc, or at least the idea of it.
i tend to not view people in groups, but as individuals and so i don’t let an individuals behaviour influence my opinion on someone else in the same group. people are people.