Where was I well done Martin

Its show time

Dorset Steam Fair. :bulb:

Not Dorset

Must admit to liking John Deeres,Massey Fergusons and the like in the past.Cant be arsed nowadays . .
Ime an extractor fan.

Hadlow Down Steam Fair (AKA Tinkerspark)

No not Hadlow

Helmsley (Trying to remember where I have seen those tractors!)


Headdington and Stockley.


None of the above

Great Yorkshire Show?


Stafford show ground?

No and no

■■■■■■■ Steam Gathering, Flookburgh?

If it is in the UK, it is Uttoxeter

West of Cornwall steam rally, Stithians show ground

Yes it’s in the UK the back tractor has thrown you not got it yet try again

