Where was i?............ sorted quicksharp by jonboy!

well, just for a laugh this was about 15 years ago! where was i? :laughing:

A50 near stoke-on-trent endâ– â– ?

sorry scan, fraid not, youre not even close old pal!

grabing at straws here, some were near halifax

i first thought stoke,but im going for …

the a1 gatehead between the a69 and where the metreo centre is now.


dont think it would be fair if i said as i was in the blue fest coming in oppisite direction :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

angela, is jon right or what?! i was actually expecting you or davey to get it, but jon was in there sharp :laughing:

was you really in the fiesta coming the other way??

well done jonboy gateshead it is mate! :smiley:

i used to do the metreo centre 3 times a week, there always seems to be a accident or some car broke down there everytime i went passed :open_mouth:


yes it was my mam + me n it was about 13 yrs ago as we were comin bk frm me dads

well blow me down! its a small world, yes that would have been about 1992 because i was in my 480 merc! :smiley:

That’s actually the Dunston turnoff,which is about a mile from my parents house.
