Where was i? (Completed)


I took this pic on a industrial estate near bridlington

somewhere near a coast/seaside place

somewhere near a coast/seaside place

Your right tonyb it is near a coast/seaside
place and I was putting the clue under the
pic as you posted your reply as I thought it
might be a tough one to get

God that’s irritating…We tip in that ind. est. but I’m [zb]d if I can think of the name of it… :confused:

Bessingby (sp)?

No to all the above

Bessingby is that the industrial estate
with the morrisons on the corner if so I
do deliver to a company on there called
britax and its not to far from the industrial
estate I took the pic from.

Is it that place with Sara Lee on it?

It’s the old airfield just around the corner from Bessingby…Still can’t think of the name though… :blush:

Bottom left of THIS map.

How about the Carnaby Industrial Estate Lucy?

Google to the rescue again.


I have tippped wheelie bins there at the council depot

No, No I wheelie been there :stuck_out_tongue:


I was on Lancaster Road Carnaby Industrial Estate