Where was I? Completed by Jams

Thought I said I was going to make this harder… :confused:

Chesil beach by any chance?

'Fraid not, mate. :slight_smile:

Slapton Ley?.. :sunglasses:

Better reply before you start getting nervous again, I suppose! :laughing: :laughing:
Right on the money, Jams. Had to do a drop in Kingsbridge and had a bit of time to kill, so took the scenic route. Bit tight through some of those villages mind, especially when the brightly coloured “Mayflower Link” double decker comes the other way!! :laughing: :laughing:

Hurray , got one, cheers Inselaffe, made my day, just been saying to ‘ar lass’ that I’ve got a funny feeling about tomorrow,about to go to bed for early start an’ usually I’m keen but… well dunno, but you’ve cheered me up mate thanks, Regards Jams, drive safe, goodnight :sunglasses: jeepers, need to correct my posting clock!!!