Where Was I ? 28 Done

Where Was I ?

DOVER A2 ■■?

Its not Pete. This is quite a way west of there.

Could it be A39 south of Exeter

Not Exeter, no. Think more easterly.

A303 nr Wincanton?

No, this is still well east of there mate.

Some clues. I have nearly passed a large town and if I went to the end of this road I would be in a City. Between these two places is a motorway.

A27 Chichester ish?

Its not Chichester, no. This is north of there by about 55 miles.

A3 Guildford

You’re warm now mate. Go north another 17 miles odd.


Very warm, but you went straight past it. :slight_smile:

A329 Bracknell?

:open_mouth: :smiley: Yes, that’s it at last. :laughing: You are right.

this comes to mind

:open_mouth: Yoghurt ? :smiley: :laughing:

if your offering


nah the song lol
yes imw eird ok
dont mock:P

Just jesting matey. I like the idea of the song, hope it rings true.