Where to go for ADR

I have been lurking here for sometime now (I think the last time I posted was about 2 years ago) so apologies for being quiet.

With January/Feb slow down approaching, I’ve booked the first two of my five days cpc/ongoing training courses with a local training organisation.

However during the slack period it appears to me to be a good time to do the proper ADR course (and get tankers), I already have a class 1 (as me and the missus do firework displays as well) but would like to add tankers and general stuff as well

So question I have for any drivers is: I live near Bedford, does anyone know of good (as in quality and value) training organisation within about an hours drive of Bedford??

would be grateful of any replies


Jim Dalton

Try J Coates in St Albans


Hi Jim,

There are a number of ADR providers in the ‘1 hour drive from Bedford’ are that you specified, but have you considered the remaining time on your current ADR certificate?

By that, I mean that it may depend on how long you have left on your current certificate, because it might be better value for you to hold on to your idea for a while.

You’ve mentioned that you do firework displays, but you might not need the UN Class 1 that’s currently on your ADR licence, because many people don’t realise that the UK has far more generous NEQ ‘trigger’ limits than ADR, so you might well be able to save some money on that module. The UN Class 1 module doesn’t count towards driver CPC, so maybe I can save you some money.

There are a fair number of possible variables that might come into play in your situation, including the real possibility that you need to do a ‘packages’ module if you want your ADR training to count towards your driver CPC. It might also be in your interests to realise that the ADR tanker module also doesn’t count towards driver CPC, no matter which ADR provider you choose. Again and in your own interests, if there’s no realistic prospect of you using a tanker licence, I’d advise you to keep hold of some of your money. :wink:

My last tip is to point out that not all providers/instructors are authorised to offer/teach UN Class 1 (I am :wink: ,) so please make sure that you get good advice before making a financial decision.

Here are some authorised ADR providers in no particular order:
I’ve no idea waht they can or can’t do, so you’ll have to contact them yourself, or PM me.

Apex Training Services
Oxney Road Industrial Estate
Tel: 01733 567478
Email: apextraininguk@aol.com
Contact: Mr Malcolm Brunyee

J Coates (HGV Services) Ltd
46-50 Great Central Street
Leicester LE1 4NF
Tel: 0116 262 6037
Email: andrewcope@jcoates.co.uk
Contact: Mr Andrew Cope

PTF Training
Mead Court
Thorpe Mead
OX16 4RZ
Tel: 01295 255811
Email: Ruth.Chadwick@ptftraining.co.uk
Contact: Mrs Jean Beirne

John Brindley Ltd
The Close Aston Lane
LE10 3PN
Phone: 01455 272225
Email: jenny.wade@johnbrindley.co.uk
Contact: Miss Jenny Wade

Data Academy Ltd
187 Scudamore Road
Phone: 0116 287 7692
Email: rick@dataacademy.co.uk
Website: dataacademy.co.uk
Contact: Mr Rick Field-Naldrett

I hope this helps, but please feel free to ask for more advice. :smiley:

I have just passed mine again at JMW, Caenby corner, Lincolnshire.
I know is a bit far, i think they put you up, will find out if you need to know.

I might be doing my ADR in the new year :grimacing:

Thanks for the info guys, so far very useful.

Dave fwiw: I was not thinking of the ADR as counting towards CPC as I didn’t think it could possibly count anyway. I thought the CPC was a set of fixed modules, covering other stuff. So I’m interested in you saying that as a package it might count towards a cpc as well any idea how that works?

So always trying to be busy during the slack period for driving, I was just thinking of just adding the ADR’s to my existing to further enhance my general prospects (I do agy work when fireworks are slack) for interesting work. There have been some reasonably paid tanker jobs around here lately I noticed.

Your quite right the class1 is not really needed, but was useful to do and include in the overall pyrotechnic insurance pack I had to submit. won’t be renewing that one tho! Even fully loaded with two shops worth of fireworks a few years ago I couldn’t get anywhere near NEQ.


ADR can count 21 hours towards the dcpc if the provider is JAUPT approved.

The course will be slightly more expensive to cover the dcpc but not by that much - certainly cheaper than doing 21 hours of dcpc any other way.

Only the core packs count for dcpc not the add on modules such as tanks etc

ADR can count 21 hours towards the dcpc if the provider is JAUPT approved.

The course will be slightly more expensive to cover the dcpc but not by that much - certainly cheaper than doing 21 hours of dcpc any other way.

Only the core packs count for dcpc not the add on modules such as tanks etc

Nearly right ROG. :wink: :smiley:

The core module + the packages module + UN Classes 2,3,4,5,6,8 &9 count for 21 hours as an initial course, but we don’t yet know whether our friend wishes to reset his ADR by taking another core module. My advice is that he checks the remaining validity before coming to that decision.
Some people assume that the packages module is the whole of day #2 of an ADR course, but that’s not correct.
On its own, the packages module is only 1.5hrs, so there is a choice to be made.

Thanks for the info guys, so far very useful.

Dave fwiw: I was not thinking of the ADR as counting towards CPC as I didn’t think it could possibly count anyway. I thought the CPC was a set of fixed modules, covering other stuff. So I’m interested in you saying that as a package it might count towards a cpc as well any idea how that works?

So always trying to be busy during the slack period for driving, I was just thinking of just adding the ADR’s to my existing to further enhance my general prospects (I do agy work when fireworks are slack) for interesting work. There have been some reasonably paid tanker jobs around here lately I noticed.

Your quite right the class1 is not really needed, but was useful to do and include in the overall pyrotechnic insurance pack I had to submit. won’t be renewing that one tho! Even fully loaded with two shops worth of fireworks a few years ago I couldn’t get anywhere near NEQ.


Hi Jim,
The relevant NEQ figure will depend on the Division number and compatibility group (CG) letter, but as fireworks fall into several divisions, I’d need more info to give you an accurate NEQ trigger limit for a particular job.
Quite a number of fireworks are CG letter ‘G’ but some are CG letter ‘S.’

ADR Transport Category limits are:
Cat 0 = 0 kg/ltr
Cat 1 = 20 kg/ltr
Cat 2 = 333 kg/ltr
Cat 3 = 1,000 kg/ltr
Cat 4 = Unlimited

For UN Class 1 on a UK domestic journey: (UK Transport Categories 1A & 2A have more generous limits.)
Cat 0 = 0 kg/ltr
Cat 1 = 20kg/ltr
Cat 1A = 50 kg/ltr
Cat 2 = 333 kg/ltr
Cat 2A = 500 kg/ltr
Cat 3 = 1,000 kg/ltr
Cat 4 = Unlimited

And please don’t forget that 1.4S is in Transport Category 4 and so has NO ‘trigger’ limit :smiley:

Driver CPC can be likened to choosing from a menu.
You need a total of 35 hours worth of courses that have chunks of 7 qualifying hours attached.
ADR is just one of many courses that can be taken to fulfil the 35-hour training requirement, but as ROG correctly said, the ADR provider must also be DSA/JAUPT approved for driver CPC.

The 35 hours is the only requirement, how you achieve it is a matter of you choosing which of the qualifying courses take your interest, there is no set course.

If there’s any reasonable length of time remaining on your current ADR, the cheapest way forward for you would be to take a ‘packages’ module of 1.5 hrs, ) but no CPC for this on its own,) the do the general classes which will attract 7 hours.

If your ADR certificate has little remaining validity before expiry, then my advice is that you do Core, Packs and classes 2,3,4,5,6,8 &9 which will get you 21 hours towards your driver CPC, but the downside of that is that you’ll very probably lose your remaining UN Class 1 entitlement.

That could be a tricky decision, so I’d advise you to discuss it with an ADR provider who is authorised for providing UN Class 1, because they’ll also be authorised for the rest too, but anybody not authorised for providing UN Class 1 might not know the rules for that module.

I hope this helps. :smiley: