Where in the world solved by wheel nut and bloxotrix

a harder one. state got by wheel nut and the right town by bloxotrix .

To start off its taken in the USA.

right so far the us is a big place?

Florida, but the machine looks like it came from Mexico :stuck_out_tongue:


not forida or nevada.

Boresville ?

I don’t know why, but i reckon it’s Alaska?

no wrong end of the country

El Paso

El Paso

Thats were the " taco’s " come from aint it ? Oops don’t use them over there …

Hawaii ?

no and no

California ?

a lot closer than hawaii.

New York?


whel nut you are in the correct state, any idea where i am,
last clue i am at the border. with mexico.

Nogales ? (thats what i got on google)

Tucson :question: