And North Yorks please folks.Have tried Google,but not getting the info that I want ie a list of all RDCs in these areas,with telephone numbers,so that I can do some ringing round.Anyone know of a few.I’m after the likes of Morrissons,B & Q’s ,Asda,etc,but preferably in house run logistics.Sorry to be fussy,and ones that use Scanias as their main tractor unit!! Coz I love 'em.Sorry to be a pain in the proverbial.Cheers,Glenn.
Theres a New Argos Distribution Centre opening in Darlington shortly Glenn, also try Savers also in Darlington both are on Faverdale Estate along with George Allinsons, dunno what he’s like to work for though?
ASDA Washington run Scanias if it`s not too far away for you Glenn
Safeways in Stockton are supposed to be good to work for, however local rumour has it that the only way to get a start on there is to do a few months for them via an agency…
I have just been in touch with an agency in Middlesbrough called Independent, this is the agency that Safeway uses mostly. Their rate for days is £7.30 but I am not sure if thats all hours, or if there is an O/T rate. Nights is £8.50 I am told. They run mainly Volvo and Scania. Savers is run by Stillers and they run all Scania the rate I see on the Jobcentre site is £376 per week. Aldi in Darlington are all Scania and they are in house but it seems it is difficult to get in there. The rumour is that Argos are going “LIVE” in August. They are going to be run by Exel but they are not advertising for Drivers yet. In Newton Aycliffe is a Curries DC they were recently advertising for drivers for a ■■■■■■■ trunk both days and nights but cannot remember the wage. Hope this helps.
Thanks again for helpful replies folks.I am interested in that new Argos DC that is going live in August…I have asked my girlfriend to look out in the Teesside press for jobs advertised,so if anyone sees the Argos ,Darlo advertised,please give me a shout if you can.Much appreciated.Speak to you later folks.