Where am I





Rue de la kaboom near Kabul, and dude, you need to seriously sort that sat nav out!

I know, I know.
Nearly bought a shed from the bloke on the right but I went closer to home instead. And the bloke on the left has annexed most of the woods to park his tractors.

Correct mick. And you can learn piano in the next house up from the shed.

Have you noticed that tractor place? It used to be a couple parked in his drive and it’s gradually got to be one in the woods and the space in the woods has got bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger to the point where the trees have nearly gone.

Aye pourteous has his house in there. Tidy will maintained yard. Bet he knows where everything is though.

In the War?

Anyone know this one, I didn’t say. Happysack barred me so I didn’t actually say.

Near Aldershot?

Anyone know this one, I didn’t say. Happysack barred me so I didn’t actually say.

ha ha. Sorry mick

A75,headin into Springholm from Dumfries side,I’ve managed to avoid all the army convoy’s this week,looks like you weren’t so lucky :laughing:


Anyone know this one, I didn’t say. Happysack barred me so I didn’t actually say.

ha ha. Sorry mick

lol my auld boss lives round the corner…thought id keep stum as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

Would that be tag?
