Where am I?

Looking for the road number I was on and the town it bypasses, if possible please. :smiley:

A40 westbound South wales st clears

A40 westbound South wales st clears

Correct road but you are a bit off the location. This bit is in England :wink:

You’re good at this game, nonetheless!! :smiley:

OK. how about a tad more east/

A40 westbound, by’passing “Ross on Wye”.

OK. how about a tad more east/

A40 westbound, by’passing “Ross on Wye”.

Bang on. :smiley:

2x excellent

hey, ive been studying the photo
and notice a Dark Mark in the centre of the Top Righthand Quadrant
& wonder is it one of the RAF (Merlin) Helicopters which frequently practice lowlevel flying in that area,
or just an insect strike on the windshield !

regards 2xQ

2x excellent

hey, ive been studying the photo
and notice a Dark Mark in the centre of the Top Righthand Quadrant
& wonder is it one of the RAF (Merlin) Helicopters which frequently practice lowlevel flying in that area,
or just an insect strike on the windshield !

regards 2xQ

Er - afraid it’s one of many!! :laughing:

“Er - afraid it’s one of many!!”

As RAF Merlin’s are’nt often see in flocks, gess its the later (smaller flyin object)

as a Merlin would have left a much larger dent :slight_smile:

Ugly isnt it !!

thats just passed the weighbridge yeah■■? you drop down the hill to a roundabout with a BP garage on it.

thats just passed the weighbridge yeah■■? you drop down the hill to a roundabout with a BP garage on it.

That be the place. :smiley:

Try THIS one. It’s not a million miles from you and nobody has even had a go at it!! :cry: