Where am I?(Too easy)



The former Yugoslavia?

Somewhere near Oradea an Varsand.

Hi Ian,
I think its Rumania, in fact it looks exactly like the same photo that you posted on this forum, page 2, Saturday 26th Jan 2008. ( Slight granddad nap moment there Ian or were you just seeing how observant we all are) :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hi Ian,
I think its Rumania, in fact it looks exactly like the same photo that you posted on this forum, page 2, Saturday 26th Jan 2008. ( Slight granddad nap moment there Ian or were you just seeing how observant we all are) :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Bit of both I think Mushroonman.Your’e correct as ever.