where am i solved by wheel nut

which city am i in?
just for wheel nut.

which town am i in?

Manchester Mosside, he is the lookout and your batteries have already gone!

first clue think boats,
but not by the sea,

first clue think boats,
but not by the sea,

Wigan Pier :laughing:



I am thinking Hull :question: I know its near the sea,but also part of a boat :confused:

big clue think boat race.

big clue think boat race.

Oxford and Cambridge are both cities, so Henley on Thames is a town, although it doesnt look like they hold the regatta down that street

i have changed the description, from town to city.
my mistake.

i have changed the description, from town to city.
my mistake.

As you worked for Welch’s I will go for Cambridge…

Did you ever come across Malcolm Pearce? not sure if you saw my question on an earlier thread about Welch’s

no wheel nut, the name doesnt ring any bells,
i was only at welchs from 76-79.

Did you ever come across Malcolm Pearce?
Oo err :open_mouth:

no wheel nut, the name doesnt ring any bells,
i was only at welchs from 76-79.

No his daughter was at school with me so he must have left them in the very late 60’s or early 70’s

Next WAI please :slight_smile:

big clue think boat race.

Grange MOUTH :laughing: