Where am I? completed

:laughing: :sunglasses:

This was taken in 1998. Where am I?

use a name:
:lol: :sunglasses:

This was taken in 1998. Where am I?

on a little red cross inside a little white box…■■? :wink:

Thats the same as all those trucks you drove. They are also little red crosses in a small white square.

Have a look through this thread for some ideas on where you might have gone wrong.

Not got a clue where you are
But you were ugly in 1988 when i first met you ,
you dont look much better in the 1998 pic above I dont suppose you look any better now :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You must of kidnapped the nice young lady with you in the cab

Portsmouth Docks

correct :laughing: on at 6am of at 1pm saturday ,after a munch and a shower and some well needed sleep, ready to crack on for a 8am mon morning tip in mercabilbao,

Not got a clue where you are
But you were ugly in 1988 when i first met you ,
you dont look much better in the 1998 pic above I dont suppose you look any better now :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You must of kidnapped the nice young lady with you in the cab

:laughing: i did kidnap her, it was your tspt managers daughter as you know, and when i knocked on his door he said wot the bloody hell r you doin here,i said i come for your daughter ray :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: