Where am I and what road am I on?

Ok, these were taken at a funny angle simply because you can’t fit 'em on the screen otherwise!

I’m having to look left and right to see these, but I should be keeping my eyes on the road!!!

Clue, there is a large haulage company based near the big mast who sold up a few years ago.


A140 Mendlesham Green.

Roy Humphrey?

That’s got to be one of the quicker ‘where am I’s’!!!

It’s Mendlesham mast and it’s smaller brother on the other side of the road.

8 Wheels, Roy Humphrey’s is a few miles further on, but you got it right anyway.

Incidentally, there’s a ladder all the way up the middle of both masts and the riggers will think nothing of going up to fix stuff. Apparently it takes them approx 45 minutes to climb the big one.

No thanks!!!