When you Breakdown

& stop on the hard shoulder,don’t you think it’s safer to get out of the passenger side door rather than drivers door.

i passed a few trucks last night on the hard shoulder & everyone was waiting to get back in on the drivers side,surely with the cross cab access we have now it’s a lot safer to get out of the passenger & not put yourself at risk!!
the worst 1 was a ‘morris’ volvo near tibshelf services,he was only just on the hard shoulder,had no lights on trailer but the unit was ok & i could see he was wanting to get back in,i moved over to the middle of lane 1 & 2 to allow him to get back but i just thought why put yourself at risk like that when it’s safer to use the passenger side.
alright,in some trucks it is harder to get across the cab,but for the sake of shifting some of your gear & maybe a bit of clambering across the cab it’s got to be better than nearly getting hit by a car or truck

Ive not broken down for a while now but yes would certainly get in and out of passenger side, i would always worry about falling down the steps, tripping over a cats eye or something silly like that.

Deffo passenger side for me. Only time I get out on drivers side is if I’m in my car and I’ve shoved it so far over to the left that its not far off being off the tarmac.

Depends if it’s been raining or not, I wouldn’t want to walk across the cab and get mud and crap everywhere. I’ll do all I can to get over as much as possible, but just wait patiently untill there is a decent gap in traffic.

Depends if it’s been raining or not, I wouldn’t want to walk across the cab and get mud and crap everywhere. I’ll do all I can to get over as much as possible, but just wait patiently untill there is a decent gap in traffic.

Mud in the cab or dead/injured. Yep, it’s a tough call. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


Depends if it’s been raining or not, I wouldn’t want to walk across the cab and get mud and crap everywhere. I’ll do all I can to get over as much as possible, but just wait patiently untill there is a decent gap in traffic.

Mud in the cab or dead/injured. Yep, it’s a tough call. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

he won’t get his bonus if he did that



Depends if it’s been raining or not, I wouldn’t want to walk across the cab and get mud and crap everywhere. I’ll do all I can to get over as much as possible, but just wait patiently untill there is a decent gap in traffic.

Mud in the cab or dead/injured. Yep, it’s a tough call. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

he won’t get his bonus if he did that

:laughing: there’s only so much you can do tho I think. If an accident is gonna happen then it’s gonna happen. I’m going to live forever anyway, I can’t see the world going on without me to be honest :grimacing:

They were probably Scanias and after failing had locked the driver out. (probably) :smiley: