When will be the Day,

Driving ban in EU is mainly related to the Catholic faith, the same reason there is little Sunday trading and short day opening on Saturdays. Without stating the bleeding obvious the UK is not a Catholic country. As with all things there are exceptions, essential transport and perishables are allowed.

this is how it works in eire…


If no-one worked on Sunday we’d all realise we had no money to spend and would start investigating why.

When we have a population to area ratio same as the european countries that have bans then we too will have no need to work weekends, so it aint going to happen, as it is the population will continue to increase because thats what big business who owns the government wants, so weekend and night working will become more common just to service the ever growing population.

Remember this is exactly what you voted for, and you will do so again.

If you look at the vast majority of lorries on weekend routes, they are mostly food lorries of one sort or another or fuel tankers, and they won’t be stopping whatever happens.

Well said, Juddian. I feel for the future generations that have to deal with the social ills that are going to engulf this little island. :frowning:

If no-one worked on Sunday we’d all realise we had no money to spend and would start investigating why.

If no one works Sunday they will go up with Pay

job I’m in now, I work monday to friday. and no bank holidays…,
night trunking, drop and catch…
no more RDC deliveries.
me and she who must be obeyed, go off, go places , and do things at weekends
never been as happy…