When the boss has got it in for you

Thanks for the replies. Whilst I fantasize about violence, it is simply not the answer. Instant dismissal and a criminal record won’t help anything.

My problem is that by going through the proper channels or taking him to one side for a quiet chat will simply make things worse. If I make an official complaint I will get labelled a trouble maker and my days will be numbered. My company use the FIFO style of management. Fit In or [zb] Off. If I have a quiet chat he will say I’m being paranoid and then log every mistake I make to add another nail to my coffin. eg last week I noted that I had topped up with 3 litres of oil on the vehicle log sheet and then I heard 2nd hand that he had said that if I had to add oil it means that I hadn’t been doing my vehicle checks. WTF! :open_mouth:

Going to try to lay low, keep my head down and avoid the jerk to see if it blows over. If it doesn’t then I will have a word with a sympathetic director. If that doesn’t work then it’s time to move on.

Not at all Squiddy,

The system is there for a reason.

The Directors might think your Manager is incompetent already and are looking for evidence to sort him out.

You are doing what lots of drivers do. Dwelling on stuff that gets you down as you work all day on your own.

Find or ask for the time to do what I suggested in my first reply. You will physically feel the weight lift off your shoulders. Why should you suffer stress because someone else is failing at their job?