When is a Gallon of Diesel not a Gallon of Diesel?

This isn’t too much of a problem over here, at present, but what with the earth warming up maybe its coming. However I guess It will affect guys buying fuel in the warmer climates of Europe
largecarmag.com/board/phpBB2 … php?t=1930

I thought you were going to say when a ■■■■■ offers to but some off you! :laughing:

I thought you were going to say when a ■■■■■ offers to but some off you! :laughing:

Is that a Freudient slip? :laughing:

Might be… :blush:

I have to take the temperature into consideration when I load fuel on the ship.
We order fuel by the tonne.

When we load it into the tanks we measure the cubic meters.

Then I have to do a temperature correction with the delivery temperature and the SG of the fuel to work out the tonnes delivered.