When did we all become worse than dog [zb]?

Once upon a time drivers were respected, now we all just seem to be treated like ■■■■

Here I am in Hoddesdon Sainsburys for a 0000 booking, turned up at 2300 and got on a bay 0050, I asked the goods in ppl where I can go for a smoke, I was told I couldn’t as I can’t walk around site and can’t walk through the building, then Mrs mardy arse said ‘Its on your gate pass… No smoking’

So yet again it’s one rule for us and one rule for them.

I don’t mind going an hour or two without a cig but when I am in here for 4 to 5 hours I am sure we have a right not to be sat in a tiny room with nothing other than a coffee machine to use.

I am going to write to sainsburys and remind them that I am a customer too, there are a few things to point out to them as well as the ZB waiting area at Basingstoke.

FFS, prisoners probably have more rights than us… They at least get a TV…

Your a piece of scum, get used to it, good job you never had your soap box at that crap hole else Mr H&S would have banned your behind :smiling_imp:

I think it is getting worse and worse tbh, virtually everyone related to anything to do with this job is in a permanent mood and seems to take it out on the driver, and take pleasure, the amount of places where you even get spoken to in a civil manner is very small these days, in fact in my experience it tends to be the smaller suppliers we collect from where people are still human.

Well still here after 3 hours… Surely there is some European directive, law or whatever that means this ■■■■ can’t happen… It should be illegal to tell a driver that he has to stay in a ■■■■■■ little room.

As the last poster said, it’s the attitude too.

I’d just go anyway sticking to the walkways, ■■■■ em…! :imp:

Last time I was there, I took my own mug of coffee in to the ‘Cesspit’ with me only to find out that the coffee machine was on free vend. Lol !
It’s a lottery as to how long you’re gonna be there, they just do what they like.

After watching The Deer Hunter last week, it’s a bit similar to being in that cage. I’m sure that the goods in staff would have us playing Russian Roulette if the could. !

Rdc work ■■■■■. Try a bit of any time that day haulage, it’s a revelation…

Agreed, i’ve only been to RDC’s a handful of times to deliver and if i never go to the dumps again that’ll be fine.

How the blokes that do it day in day out cope with the petty crap i have no idea…Chapeau!

I watched the Deer Hunter too,just to see what the hype was about.
I can honestly say I’ve never saw such a dire film,bored the ■■■■ off me,
It’s no Full Metal Jacket is it??

Not all of us get treated like ■■■■, 99% of the places I go to I find the people very pleasant, normally have abit of banter, often get offered a hot drink etc etc… Its not surpising you hear so many stories of drivers being treated like crap when see them walking into the goods in office with a face like a slapped arse, lastnights dinner down their string vest and smelling like a ■■■■.

And then trying to convince the clerk that they only have an hour left to work so must be tipped straightaway. Then they start demanding their ‘uman’ rights that they should be allowed to smoke and walk where we like.

Agreed, i’ve only been to RDC’s a handful of times to deliver and if i never go to the dumps again that’ll be fine.

How the blokes that do it day in day out cope with the petty crap i have no idea…Chapeau!

Any driver who delivers to rdc and had anything about them would use the time to catch up on there sleep rather than sitting around winding them selves up about this that and everything else,I spent 3 hrs at tesco avonmouth last weeki didn’t moan about this/that,I didn’t get myself wound up about it,I just crashed out on the seats and went to sleep :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Phantom Mark:
Your a piece of scum, get used to it, good job you never had your soap box at that crap hole else Mr H&S would have banned your behind :smiling_imp:

I think it is getting worse and worse tbh, virtually everyone related to anything to do with this job is in a permanent mood and seems to take it out on the driver, and take pleasure, the amount of places where you even get spoken to in a civil manner is very small these days, in fact in my experience it tends to be the smaller suppliers we collect from where people are still human.

Small suppliers,yea have to agree,do loads of tesco shops and the staff are brilliant,only too willing to make you a cups,toast etc,etc,great folks

Around about the time when Tesco etc started importing staff…

The answer to your original question is: We started to get treated like the dogs when all of the smaller companies got eaten up by the conglomorates, the big boys, when transport companies were run by the owners themselves, they knew the job inside out, and were probably a driver once themselves, when we started to work for other companies, whose office staff either knew F/A about transport, or they got an Ology, and thought they knew about transport, then we were just a number on the payroll, and not Jim, Bob, or H. Those were the days when a boss would ask if you could do him a favour, and 9/10 you would do it, today however, you are told to do it, as ( according to the computer ) you still have 2 hrs left of your 15 hour day.

As for RDC work, yes i agree, some are good, others are bad, and they have all jumped on the bandwagon where your keys are concerned, or the fact you must not stay in your cab, this only happens in the UK ( in most instances ) which is why the foreigners still get caught sitting in their cabs, of course it was a good idea of where you could have a power nap, and refresh yourself whilst tipping, alas no more. I like the idea of the fact a driver can use the staff canteen only problem is, Sainsburys use a pass system for entry and exit, and normally there is no one around to let you in or out Waltham Point for eg, Basingstoke is ok, Dartford, No…St Albans has a good canteen, which you can use with ease.
Waitrose letb you use their mess rooms, But, you need a pass card to access the machines, they do not take cash, so a polite way to keep a driver out of the coffee machines ( unless you have a pass )
Most RDC `s have access to a coffee machine, and thats about it, but our bosses get the hump when you have been on a bay for 3 hrs, then insist on stopping outside for something to eat, often asking, why didnt you use the canteen whilst you were there. Unfortunately, once you enter private property, you have to abide by their rules, including, the search and drugs/alcohol testing, and we cannot do anything about that, but someone should at least, inspect the facilities afforded to drivers, including the toilet facilities, which leave a lot to be desired in some, considering its a food handling facility.

Well still here after 3 hours… Surely there is some European directive, law or whatever that means this [zb] can’t happen… It should be illegal to tell a driver that he has to stay in a [zb] little room.

As the last poster said, it’s the attitude too.

As Terry would say to you, man the ■■■■ up and just go and do it, don’t ask questions! If anyone asks where you’re going - “I’m going outside the gate for a cig”, turn back round and carry on walking. Simples.

Not all of us get treated like [zb], 99% of the places I go to I find the people very pleasant, normally have abit of banter, often get offered a hot drink etc etc… Its not surpising you hear so many stories of drivers being treated like crap when see them walking into the goods in office with a face like a slapped arse, lastnights dinner down their string vest and smelling like a [zb].

This. ^

The answer to your original question is: We started to get treated like the dogs when all of the smaller companies got eaten up by the conglomorates, the big boys, when transport companies were run by the owners themselves, they knew the job inside out, and were probably a driver once themselves, when we started to work for other companies, whose office staff either knew F/A about transport, or they got an Ology, and thought they knew about transport, then we were just a number on the payroll, and not Jim, Bob, or H. Those were the days when a boss would ask if you could do him a favour, and 9/10 you would do it, today however, you are told to do it, as ( according to the computer ) you still have 2 hrs left of your 15 hour day.

Your spot on with that. We all started getting treated like ■■■■ when people let it happen, when the high and mighty let people treat there drivers like it and then as they say the rest is history. I sometimes wonder if the grass is greener on the other side but I work for a family firm where the mum runs the office/phone (70+years old) my boss started when he was 20 with a lorry you could hardly call a lorry, spent most evenings on his drive at home under a sheet off tarp fixing the thing with his dad. There’s not many people left to work for who started with sod all and made a business from it, he knows every trick in the book he expects me to work alot harder then I would else where and to look after his things but pays a good wage to do so instead off paying peanuts and expecting the worlds best employer for it. Only once in 8 years has someone spoke to me in such a way I wanted to floor the bloke I wasn’t being spoke to like ■■■■ any longer ,got in the cab and pulled off the premises, called my boss up explained what I was doing and he had my back, never told me to put up with it because he’ll loose money and even told me if I hadn’t left then to tell the bloke not to bother using us again.
Until the high and mighty back at the office start sticking up for drivers and giving them respect the people we deliver to certainly won’t bother. Unfortunately I wonder how long it will be until I have to work for one off the bigger outfits, it’s getting harder and harder each year for us minnows not to get eaten up by the bigger fish.

Edit: Maybe half the reason I don’t encounter many rude people is because I’m always smiling, greet people with a hi how are you and never forget my p’s and q’s some drivers should try it I’ve encountered my fair share off miserable ■■■■■■■■ who talk to the goods in/customers like there ■■■■■ as well.