Does anybody have a ‘bad drop’ that you really hate doing or detest it evertime your told to go there because it’s a pain to access depending on parked cars etc
I have a few, one i have to reverse into it from the main road the A505 off the luton/dunstable roundabout, i have to slow down and block off 3 lanes of fast moving luton bound traffic just before a major roundabout at 8am in the morning doing that is a pain, with motorists not realasing what your doing even with all your lights on/hazard lights i get people leaning on their horns but i just ignore them - got no choice but its one drop i just hate doing every time i’m told to go there. the actual drop is easy its just getting into the drop in the first place is the PITA
another one it all depends on if a car is parked in a certain place and if they are, like they were monday it makes my life harder as i have reverse in again off the main road have a very tight gateway to get through with concrete bollards and brick wall on my left and their parked car on the right leaving me no room for error add to the mix pedestrians trying to squeeze past your truck at the same time
so just wondered if anyone else has certain drops they hate doing for that sort of reason