What's wrong with the FH?

I’m flying to Gothenberg tomorrow for the launch of the new Volvo FH (and a new 11-litre engine for the FM I think).
Anyway, I was wondering if anybody had any questions that they wanted me to ask senior Volvo executives about the new truck.
Also, feel free to tell me what you think is wrong with the interior in the current truck. I don’t drive one for a living, so I don’t know the vehicle inside out like some of you. If you tell me what’s wrong with it I’ll find out if they’ve tackled it, and if they haven’t, I’ll ask why not.
I’m very keen for Truck & Driver to get closer to its readers.

Maybe if they fiited a few extras for free

The drivers would love them to put in these items . The drivers can sell lots of trucks. IF these items were fitted free at what cost to VOLVO £500 … This would sell a lot of their trucks.

1 Microwave
2 Fride
3 Tv
4 Dvd Player
5 Air Con

Put your Requests Here _____________________________________

stupid window posts
blind spots on mirrors

The windscreen is too heavily raked in at the top, making the driver feel claustraphobic. The drivers seat doesnt go back far enough and im only six foot. Everyone knows the rear mudgaurd tops are crap.They dont stop mud covering the numberplate and they disslocate on bumps,oh yeah they come off if you bounce at high speed.
But mostly its not an Actros.

Thanks for your comments. This is all good stuff and I’ll be sure to ask the questions. Although I’m pretty sure that the raked windscreen won’t be changing for the forseeable future.

The steering wheel material in the ones that I have driven,which are up to 4 years old,is crap.they wear out too quickly.The original FH stering wheel was harder wearing.

Put the Renault Premium sound system in,after all,aren’t they supposed to be stable mates?

The I-Shift lever needs revamping as well,as like the steering wheel,it falls apart after a while.

Lets have STANDARD things,like external sun visors,window deflectors,suzie A frames.

Better drivers seat lumbar adjustment,like the TGA,with 3 switches.

Agree on the drivers seat forward/backward adjustment,and I’m only 5’8"

Better interior sun visors,that leave NO gaps.Electric like the Stralis would be nice,so all of the windscreen can be covered,without having to stretch over to drop the passenger side one.


If you are still here. How about the silly switches in the back wall, either move them to either end or use a remote. The old ones had radio controls too, what happened?

Hi Will, enjoy your trip.
I’m on my 7th Volvo, the current one being a 54 plate 6 x 2 t/unit, and these are my pet hates:-

  1. Interior lights are pretty poor (especially when trying to read your glossy mag) :

  2. How about moving the Tacho to the spare slot under the radio, then the Tacho slot can be used for a CB as thats where the co-ax that volvo fit, ends up.

  3. Needs an alarm/imobiliser and central locking as standard not as an option.

4.Heavy duty wiring & fuses for all 12v/24v outlets as standard, not as a modification or extra.

5.Must get rid of the bits & pieces tray on top of the centre console, therefore leaving a nice flat surface to put a Television/laptop/kettle etc

Other than that , am quite happy with the product, its just the poor after sales and service that i’m really dissapointed with.

Hope this is of some use.

ellies dad:
But mostly its not an Actros.

I 'll Agree with that. :smiley:

Claustrophobic,70s curtains and Tonka Toy Buttons
CRAP DASHBOARD DISPLAY …i.e ,fluid levels,driving time,fuel mpg not straightforward (unlike the Actros):wink:

Hi Will, enjoy your trip.
I’m on my 7th Volvo, the current one being a 54 plate 6 x 2 t/unit, and these are my pet hates:-

  1. Interior lights are pretty poor (especially when trying to read your glossy mag) :

i have driven most types of trucks on the market these days.
i have never had a truck with good reading lights in it.
this i blame for my wearing reading glasses now[as well as my age]
why dont any of the manufacturers put decent flouresent lights in,instead of those silly brake light bulbs and clouded covers over them.
this is not anew problem.its been the same as long as i can remember.
i have bought more of those easy ride lights and left them in trucks when i leave the jobs.
this is not just for volve.
renault…scania and the rest take notice

Apart form some of that

Please ask them why we can’t have the XXL cab in the EU ? That would be a good start.

Then there’s drivers mirror, cupboard designs, bed cushion crap, design some under bunk storage at least on one side, manual roof hatch way too small, bring back the music switch and the cool blown air with ign off.

Apart form some of that

Please ask them why we can’t have the XXL cab in the EU ? That would be a good start.

Then there’s drivers mirror, cupboard designs, bed cushion crap, design some under bunk storage at least on one side, manual roof hatch way too small, bring back the music switch and the cool blown air with ign off.

Whats the xxl cab :question: Ive never heard of it :blush:

ellies dad:
Whats the xxl cab :question: Ive never heard of it :blush:

Here’s one. In between the yellow lines is extra to what we get here. :cry:

Wonder what the insides like. Thanks DAFMAD :sunglasses:

Thanks again. I’ll have another look in here tomorrow before the event in case there are any other points raised.


Would you be so kind as to give us any feedback on the points raised?


not just a volvo thing but wot about putting a 240volt plug !

Will Shiers:
Thanks for your comments. This is all good stuff and I’ll be sure to ask the questions. Although I’m pretty sure that the raked windscreen won’t be changing for the forseeable future.

Possibly not, but that has always been the probelm with the FH, and why it cant compete with the DAF SSC, MAN XXL and Merc Megaspace. the raked windscreen takes away a huge amount of living space.
The FH may be well designed within the space available, that sharp rake takes away headroom and acessabilty, and other trucks give drivers that room to move and live in

Now alongside you I agree I dont see Volvo changing it, but that just means they continue to lose out on driver appeal. Until we get a sensible EU directive on cab size anddrivers living area, manufacturerers will do for areodynamics over maximum driver confort every time.

the question to be asked, given as how overall tractor/trailer lengths are apparently under review. Is does Volvo suport a freeze on trailer length and any additional length to tractor/ tralier combinations to be added to the cab to provide the driver with added room to live?

I quite like the raked winscreen, always feel like i’m driving a bus in a Scania as it’s massive, flat and over an arms length away.

Only personal gripes with the FH is that the 12/24v sockets don’t work without the ignition, so if you have given your keys away you have no power.

Also if the Premium is infact just a volvo in different clothes, can’t they make the I-shift as smooth as the renault box instead of the lurchy gearchanges.

A more accurate speedo or a digital one would be good too as the analogue one is pretty vague along with what you’ve actually set the cruise at, have to read off the tacho for an accurate figure. Would also be nice to be able to set the automatic engine brake overspeed to 0 rather than a minimum of 3kph, as if you’re limiter is set at 90 then you tend to get ovespeed if you’re not constantly watching it.

Ask em to stick a Daf bed in them!