What's this place like to tip at?

Some of you may recognize the place but most days i see trucks sitting on the road waiting in the queue to be unloaded, sometimes there are 2 or 3 sitting on the road with hazards on,

so just wondered if has anybody on here tipped here before and how long do you typically wait? have you ever been moved on by the police for creating “a hazard”? assumimg its a rather small unloading area or they are just very slow at unloading everyone :exclamation:

these pics were taken today on my way home.

they were actually quiet today in comparison to some days. look at the first pic and you can see a browns truck wating to pull out, i wonder if some trucks block the exit so the finished trucks cant then exit the loading bay and a truck in the queue cant get onto the bay hence the line of trucks.

if you dont recognize the place its bakkavor at bourne lincs on spalding road.


We load there quite often. If you are loading, they let you in straight away and off round the back you go. But they don’t seem very keen to let early arrivals in. I have to say though I have never seen them queqeing out to the road like that but we are always in there early. That little access road is usually blocked with Pedros who have hotfooted it up from Spain and arrived a day early lol. They have 4 loading and 4 unloading bays round the back.

You sad RDC spotting ■■■■■■■ :laughing:

You sad RDC spotting [zb] :laughing:

was on my way home from work - just had to pull up to take the pic. i’m not that sad! honest :wink: .

i have to drive past them lot nearly ever day weaving in and out of the artics parked hap hazardly on the road!!!