The tramping thread got me remembering. Just for the fun. What’s the worse shindig, blow down, vein straining moment you’ve had on the blower with a boss?
I’ll tell you mine
I started tramping with this general haulage outfit in Lincs. They paid alright but came with a reputation that I only found out about on day 1 (why does that happen?). The ministry were in and out of there like a teenager’s twitcher on summer camp after finding some “errors”
I ran clean (well tried too) and always refused to run bent as I had my eye on moving to a different gig that I needed a clean background for.
It’s a long story but I’d had a belly full of this lot after they kept trying to send me out at 0400 on Monday with trailers missing MOTs and various ■■■■ ups. I could tell they were trying but old habits died hard. Anyways, end of the week and was down south. Had already tipped at some places. The planners were on at me about a particular drop. I’d said I was not going to make the time. Anyway, the boss man comes on the phone and starts nice enough but wasn’t long before the passive aggressive stuff started.
I told him it was a fact of life, it wasn’t happening at X and I’d need a 45 after my next tip. Well, short story made longer, he was ranting and raving on several calls throughout the afternoon. We’d arrange a trailer swap with another bloke running a flat to mitigate the delay, whilst I was on my 45. I was absolutely buggered tired and took a nap. When I got up 30 mins later the phones going. The boss man is going mental about why I’m not moving etc. I explained I was taking a 45 as indicated. He then started swearing at me. Lost his temper.
Well that was it. I told this bloke I won’t be sworn at and that he could shove his load up his ■■■■■■■ crack, I’d take my 11 off and be driving straight back to the yard and wanted to see him to discuss his trying to continually attempt to get me to break the law. He just stuttered and ummed and erred. A schooner that suddenly had flat sails .
I drove back to the yard the next day, calmly even dropped the flat back to the farm and went into the transport office, I asked for this bloke (he was in his 40s- the owner). Not one of the incestuous gits in the office would speak to me. I said I’m waiting for him as we had a meeting, the git wouldn’t turn up. He’d done this before apparantly, got all aggressive then disappeared when people argued with him.
Don’t get me wrong, I had no ideas of boxing him one, I’m not at all a violent person, that’s not my style, I just wanted to jack Russell him. I waited an hour and then bogged off, 2 days later found another job that suited me to the ground . An equally fiery boss but I gave as good as I got and we always got on bizarrely and he did me a good turn for a future career interview. Those were the days! I did a lot of growing up then. . I’m less fiery nowadays as happens with losing the insecurities of being young, but I still can switch suddenly to “bloody firm” as the misses calls it especially if I feel I’m being treated like a mug just because I try to be nice to people.