What's the most

outrageous “reasonable management request” you’ve had thrust upon you. Anything. Have you been disciplined for refusing a “reasonable management request”? What was the outcome?

I was told once that there wasn’t the money in the job to pay for fuel so I should steal it out of other trucks.

most outrageous request i had was to take a load from JISL Normanton to JISL Stoke flaming clayheads lol wonders what happened to people like Gibbo and Gaylord (Nige)

was once asked if i could buy some diesel out of my own pocket preferably from another driver as oposed to a garage as it would be cheeper same company wanted me to do 3 nights out without a sleeper cab and sleep across the seats but they would make it worth my while (yeh right ) was a long time ago but it wouldent suprise me if it still happens

Not to myself, nut another member on a bus forum was running late (Nat Ex type coach service so on tacho)
Half hour into his break gets told he should be leaving and to go back to his bus.
Tacho mate, can’t legally start for another 15 mins.

15 mins later goes out to find his bus has gone.
we’ve sent another driver on it and you are now suspended pending a disciplinary.

The charge

Failing to obey a company official

The bus conpany was the “pink F”…they tend to make up the rules to suit themselves

Told to fill some office [zb]s car with diesel, wouldnt do it so they went to my line manager. Half filled it get in with diesel all over my hands and left it in the back yard… nothing said but 3 years on never been asked again

I got the sack because I should have tipped 2 trailers at a dc over night and failed to do so. Thing was, the trailers weren’t in the yard where I was supposed to pick them up. But off course, as the super woman I am, I really should have tipped the non existent trailers anyway :neutral_face: :unamused:

Suppose it’s only what any boss would expect… :grimacing:

To take a trailer out with a side marker light not working :laughing:

Told i was to do 2 night trunks to Birmingham,told arris in office it wasnt possible to do in 10 hrs.Ileft 3 weeks ago,new driver was told to do 2 trunks and he did.He started at 7PM and he got back with second trunk at 10 am the next mornin 15 hrs later :open_mouth: IT CANT BE DONE :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Told i was to do 2 night trunks to Birmingham,told arris in office it wasnt possible to do in 10 hrs.Ileft 3 weeks ago,new driver was told to do 2 trunks and he did.He started at 7PM and he got back with second trunk at 10 am the next mornin 15 hrs later :open_mouth: IT CANT BE DONE :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

He done it in 15hrs, it took you 3 weeks :laughing: :laughing:

(At my disciplinary on Monday)
HR/H&S Manager= Would you always refuse to reverse with either or both your mirrors folded in if there was no banksman?
Me=Yes. Had countless memos (from you) about it telling of accidents from doing said stupid thing…

Keep (the sensible ) ones coming, try to give a bit of follow up like what happened, were you sacked, did you appeal etc.