What's the best bit of advise you could give?

I have had a re-think don’t do your licence in the first place, failing that take a leave of absence!

"Best way to tell if the guy or girl you’re talking to in the pub is a lorrydriver ? -Their right arm will always be a darker shade of brown than their left arm ! "

I think I’m the exception to the rule - I drive a sweeper so my left arm is the darker one :laughing:

You could also check nose colour of new colleagues prior to saying something you might regret.

It’s better to look a little foolish by taking 20 shunts to get into a bay, than looking very foolish stood in front of the boss trying to explain the damage to the truck when you atempt to do it in one.

just reading the posts about sunburned arms reminded me of when i said to my girlfriend’look at my right arm compared to my left’and she said’how have u done that?‘so i says’driving with the window down’ and she replies’well on your way home can you not put your other arm out of the window?'lol women eh??

just reading the posts about sunburned arms reminded me of when i said to my girlfriend’look at my right arm compared to my left’and she said’how have u done that?‘so i says’driving with the window down’ and she replies’well on your way home can you not put your other arm out of the window?'lol women eh??

Comical, I’m sure. :laughing:
She was right though I drive left and right hand drive, and my arms match.

although i am still a baby trucker (class2) my advice would be

"if at first you dont succeed keep trying " :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

although i am still a baby trucker (class2) my advice would be

"if at first you dont succeed keep trying " :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

give up :laughing:

Carry your own toilet paper :laughing:

  • Never answer the cab phone after 3.30 pm on a Friday

  • If your transport manager starts a call with the words “Can You do me a favour” Always Hang up the phone immediatly, then turn it off… NOTE: Remember to turn it on just as entering yard then put in defect sheet as the phone is playing up intermitently

  • The words “Get there tonight they are waiting for you” is ALWAYS a lie

  • The statement …"The last driver got onto the bay no problem Refers to the transit van that just left… the last artic couldnt get onto the bay either!!!

  • Simiarly. “we had a bigger truck on the bay yesterday” doesnt hold true … see above item, and question speakers eyesight
    :open_mouth: :smiley: :open_mouth: :wink:

When your un-coupling a trailer you’ll always find that someday soon you’ll find a trailer where you struggle like **** to pull the pin. Don’t struggle, get back in the cab place it in reverse and give the trailer a nudge, then try, voila, easy as pie pin pulled!

Always spend time detangling your airlines… may be a pain in the arse but worth not getting the fine.