Whats in your bag?

blank tachos
maps for the day
painkillers (just in case)
puzzle book

Always used to climb or fall down off of tilts - never even considered bungee jumping off them.

I go home everyday …

Mobile phone
Spare digi roll
Spare pen
Dropping to bits map book
Hard hat that never comes out
Spare dog clip
Spare bootlaces
2 litres of water
Sandwich box .

i dont drive a truck during the week…but take a few sarnies and drink in a bag whenever i get called out…but i keep a fridge and spare clothes in the van…

i leave all my things in my own truck when i go away at shows and stuff

Tool Bag :
Tool Box [Spanners, Pliers, etc]
Spare Light Bulbs
Spare Air Suzie Line
One Tonne Rachets x 4
Five Tonne Rachets x 2
Window Cleaning Spray


your having a ■■■■■■■ laugh wtf do u need all that ■■■■ for ■■■■■■■ hell :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

regular stuff like food and drink for the week and sveral changes of clothes otherwise all my kits in there. bit of a pain changing the bedding every week but like clean sheets and quilt etc. main thing is thats its nice not fliting from cab to cab all the time and me being sole user can set my stall out. :smiley:

Pop Larkin:

blank tachos
maps for the day
painkillers (just in case)
puzzle book

Always used to climb or fall down off of tilts - never even considered bungee jumping off them.

ever had a trailer with no proper mounting for the rear plate? so little space, so many uses :sunglasses:


Dirty gloves (in plastic baggy)
Good gloves
First Aid Kit(Tums,Plasters,Painkillers)
Small LED Torch
Spare contact lenses and solution
Bulldog clip
Tape measure :wink:
Multi tool

2nd Just in case bag in boot of car
Change of clothes
Small wash kit and towel
Sleeping bag

2 bottles of a cheeky Chilean Merlot.

Got stuck out last week nowhere near a bar and had to drink the acid out of the batteries. :blush:

It must be said they take the mick at the amount of stuff I carry around with me.
I have two bags.
Bag one
spare tacho’s
mints extra storng
pain killers, ie paracetamol
philips street guides of all the area’s we cover
high vis vest.
kitchen roll
spare seals for the containers
spare dog clip for fifth wheel
arse wipes well baby wipes really. which have numerous uses.

Bag two
food and drink for the day
road atlas with bridge heights
reading material, essential for a box jockey.
folder and clip board for paperwork
spare pair of glasses
spare biros
tacho wallet with current tachos, actually a very cheap cd wallet which works well

that’s about it I think

first and foremost MAPS
licence papers
agency contract
CDs and discman/cassette adapter
gloves in plastic baggy
spare ratchet strap
volvic lemon & lime water
my plain jotter i write directions in (i need to write things down to remember them as my memory is fairly crap)
knife (to cut shrink wrap, not to hurt people :laughing: )
highway code
diary with hours worked
small bottle with handsoap

No one has mentioned ■■■■■ mags :stuck_out_tongue:

Depends on what i am doing.

Typically change of clothes since my only transport is a motorbike.

Minimum i’ll take it a pair of gloves, hi-viz, safety boots, a book, headache pills, spare tachos, crappy £1.99 AA Road Atlas and a bottle of water. Thats if i know where i’ll be going.

If newish place or multi drop take my maps with me, Philips Regional Maps.

If i know i,m gonna be sitting about for hours maybe take my laptop so i can watch a film on it.

your having a (zb) laugh wtf do u need all that [zb] for [zb] hell :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Tool Box [Spanners, Pliers, etc] - So i can change Suzie Lines and basically fix things when im out
Spare Light Bulbs - So that i have a full set of lights when driving, besides i charge a fair bit of money for the bulbs that i end up replacing
Spare Air Suzie Line - well kinda obvious
One Tonne Rachets x 4 - to strap things down
Five Tonne Rachets x 2 - again to strap things down, but unfortunately one broke last night :frowning:
Window Cleaning Spray - i tend to drive at night and dirty windscreens drive me insane


Whats a suzie line and why do you need spare ones?

Sorry for being forward with my first post

clothes for the week

shaving stuff plus all the smellys
hair gel + brush
toothpaste + brush
sat nav
freeview telly
headache tablets
heartburn tablets
24 pack carlsberg only on mondays to go in fridge

rest off my crap i leave in wagon due to me been the sole driver.

Tanya Hyde:

Whats a suzie line and why do you need spare ones?

Sorry for being forward with my first post

Suzie lines are the Air and Electrical Connections between a Tractor Unit and its trailer, or between the wagon and the drag.

and as for being forward, dont worry about its a good way to learn,

no kidding i picked up an injured pigeon ,i saw it walking up the road it was still walking 2 hours later when i came back so i picked it up put her in my bag took her home then returned her to her owner who offerd me 30 quid ,i am kidding

sorry i made mistake the story is true