Returned to the UK today, after a couple of days delivering to france, to hear M25 accident involving trucks up on the North side coupled with the A14 - two accidents involving HGV’s too. I saw an accident too whilst just south of Rouen on Wednesday afternoon, but that was in about 1000km of driving in france. Why are so many happening here?
J. I. T. There, that just about sums up the decline in standards which ultimately led to the daily carnage we now witness.
Just In Time, in case you didn’t already know.
OK I agree with your point to an extent, but has the decline fallen away that quickly?
As a professional driver for over 30 years it is blatantly obvious why there are so many accidents involving LGVs.
Far to many do not know how to keep a safe distance or if they do they choose not to bother.It used to be the odd truck driver followed too close but now it is the odd one that keeps a safe distance.Too many drivers are just accidents waiting to happen.Is it ignorance or arrogance or do they think it will never happen to them?
Far to many eastern european drivers driving british plated trucks, they don,t know us brits drive sensible, they tear arse about trying to impress the T M thinking they can do the job better than us english drivers, truth be told.
Returned to the UK today, after a couple of days delivering to france, to hear M25 accident involving trucks up on the North side coupled with the A14 - two accidents involving HGV’s too. I saw an accident too whilst just south of Rouen on Wednesday afternoon, but that was in about 1000km of driving in france. Why are so many happening here?
my thoughts exactly
i saw a scania driver with all the bling on his motor 2 days ago on the M4, he was behind another lorry waiting for him to pull in from the middle lane so he could get past, i kid you not when i say he was literally 2ft off the back of the other lorry,if the one in front had to break for some reason the scania driver would not have been able to avoid a pile up,i looked on in disbelief and thought what an idiot
Returned to the UK today, after a couple of days delivering to france, to hear M25 accident involving trucks up on the North side coupled with the A14 - two accidents involving HGV’s too. I saw an accident too whilst just south of Rouen on Wednesday afternoon, but that was in about 1000km of driving in france. Why are so many happening here?my thoughts exactly
I went London the Birmingham today with a Decker, so had to pick my way around all the carnage on the Road,
A13, A406, A10, A414, M1,M6
what a sight seeing tour that was,
Then got caught up in the multiple on the M1 southbound coming back
Are there really more accidents involving HGVs these days than years gone by, or is it just that nothing happens on the roads these days without it immediately appearing on social media, rolling news websites etc etc? I’d love to see comparative figures from say 25 years ago.
It seems to be a daily occurrence these days…either bad smashes involving truck(s), lorry fires, lorry broken down causing huge tailback. Although this situation probably highlighted by instant reporting, comments on social media etc■■?
most of whats been mentioned above, and maybe this…
sure i heard on the radio a few years back, that statistically these are the worst couple of weeks to be on the road for accidents/incidents. think it was to do with a combination of the clocks going back, so earlier dark nights and the fact it clashes with schools half term, so lots of people on the major routes, that wouldn’t normaly be there, and maybe don’t have enough experience.
As a professional driver for over 30 years it is blatantly obvious why there are so many accidents involving LGVs.
Far to many do not know how to keep a safe distance or if they do they choose not to bother.It used to be the odd truck driver followed too close but now it is the odd one that keeps a safe distance.Too many drivers are just accidents waiting to happen.Is it ignorance or arrogance or do they think it will never happen to them?
On the odd occasion I have to drive during the day I have to agree with the above, why drive so close, its extremely stressful and gets you nowhere fast.
I also believe there are a good number of drivers who don’t realize they are doing anything wrong.
Here’s a motorway in France -
Here’s a motorway in England -
Although everything in the 2nd picture is stopped, it’s not unusual to witness that amount of traffic doing 60, 70, 80mph not much further apart. The result? When someone drops a bollock, however minor, there’s no time or space for them or anyone else to take evasive action. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, I’m just saying that’s the way it is.
In short, our motorways are just too ■■■■ crowded
Here’s a motorway in France very early in the morning (look where the sun is) and here’s a photo taken in a snarl up which can happen anywhere, even in France. There you go folks…scientifically proven. Sheesh!
It wasn’t that early and it wasn’t high summer either, but that wasn’t the point I was making.
I think it is a combination of:-
- Standards of Driving have dropped
- Too much traffic on our roads
- More Johnny Foreigner’s
- Police & Plastic Police (Traffic Officers) making a drama out of a crisis
They seem to love putting out 7,000 cones for a tyre change, or closing a road all day causing chaos, when they could just clear it up & get the traffic moving again
So are you saying each and every motorway in France looks like this all the time?
I think it is a combination of:-
- Standards of Driving have dropped
- Too much traffic on our roads
- More Johnny Foreigner’s
- Police & Plastic Police (Traffic Officers) making a drama out of a crisis
They seem to love putting out 7,000 cones for a tyre change, or closing a road all day causing chaos, when they could just clear it up & get the traffic moving again
Definately agree with one and two but not three and four.
Yes some foreign trucks are involved in accidents but most are Uk vehicles.
Regarding the police I think they have a very difficult time.Safety has to come first.If they do not act properly and soneone is killed or injured they will be responsible so they do not take any chances.Would you?
When they shut the road for hours instead of letting traffic flow again it is usually a fatal which needs to properly investigated.
Born Idle:
Here’s a motorway in France very early in the morning (look where the sun is) and here’s a photo taken in a snarl up which can happen anywhere, even in France. There you go folks…scientifically proven. Sheesh!
Do you drive much in France? The Autoroutes are almost deserted compared to here at any time of the day. After all France has a similar population but double the space. Simple
I don’t drive much in France, but I’ve been in traffic jams on French motorways. What’s your point?