Have you every wondered what happened to the Schiaffino, or the Sally Sky, or Townsend’s F.E.8 (or even the 2 Heralds)
There’s a Danish site http://www.ferry-site.dk/ Which list all the ferries that have sailed in European waters.
Look up your favourite old ferry and be surprised where it is now.
Shhh! who woke him up?
Where is the Argo?
Wheel Nut:
Where is the Argo?
Now called M/F Patricia del Mar
Last heard of on the Valencia - Palma route
Back to sleep now

i used to work on the stena normandy when it used to sail from soton to cherborgue and the last time i saw it was when iwas working in estonia in the port of talin and that was 1998 but it dosent say that … or maybe i missed that.
There is a listing for the Normandy as
Normandy (1997) - Tallink
Tallink being the operating company and with a name like that it’s a good bet it was working out of Talin
It’s now working the Rosslare to Cherbourg and Roscoff routes for Irish Ferries.
Scroll to the bottom of it’s listing page for some great photos
Had some good times and some ‘hairy’ moments on the Schiaffino flat bottoms out of Ramsgate/Ostend when I worked for NorthWest Freighters in the 80s.
Always looked forward to the great food and service on the Schiaffinos when they were running from the far end of Dover Eastern (where Speedferrie’s cat now berths) to Ostende. First 12 drivers got on board, the rest travelled by Sealink with a wad of cash. Never knew anyone take the money if given the choice. Mind you, driving your truck on mirrors folded and leaving it to the tender mercies of Belgian dockies to reverse off blind, may have had something to do with it 
Salut, David.