What would you do?

Please take 1 minute of your time to fill in this anonymous survey regarding breakdowns. The answers should make for interesting reading!


Thanking you. B

will you tell us the results

Not much in the way of a survey. You could answer yes to all of them!


Would’ve been better to ask the order in which you would do things, I mean not much point ringing your boss in the middle of the night he’ll not be able to do much to help!

For some reason,in Europe,you must place a warning triangle in front of the vehicle and behind it,it is law out there.

If you look at Beebop’s other 4 posts you will see the reason for the survey, for those who don’t already know.

Thank you all very much for taking the survery and for your replies.

As some of you have guessed (thanks coffeeholic) there was a specific reason for my post. My motive is purely personal curiosity, in particular about calling the Police. I personally would have called the Police in such a situation, however I just wanted to see how many others would agree. I am of the opinion that had the Police been present (in the 1 hour+ spent blocking the road) the outcome could have been different.

I will post the results tomorrow and close the Poll then. As it stands 83% would call the Police, and 91% would put on hazards.

Re red triangle, I checked the Highway Code (which I believe is good practice guidane not Law). It states that you should place a red triangle at least 45 metres behind the obstruction. This applies to A roads, however not Motorways where you should NOT use a red triangle.

Many thanks again,

Results of the survey from 37 respondents…

Imagine you are travelling down an fast stretch of dual carriagway in the rain and wind, in the dark, early hours of the morning. Your emergency brakes seize on and with some difficulty you come to rest, with no option but to block the first carriageway. You are stranded. Which of the following would you do? (choose all that apply, and as this is anonymous, please be honest)

  • Put on your hazard warning lights - 95% (of all respondents)
  • Call the Police - 87%
  • Get out and stay safely away from the truck - 70%
  • Call your boss - 65%
  • In some other way try to warn approaching drivers - 57%
  • Place a red triangle behind the breakdown - 41%
  • Ring for recovery - 35%
  • Other - 14%

“Other” suggestions were

  • checking if could fix the brakes
  • putting on fog lights and trying to make the truck more visible
  • turning on beacon if vehicle fitted with one
  • trying to stop other cars 100m back and getting them to put hazards on
  • looking for traffic cones nearby to use

Again, huge thanks for everyone for taking the time to reply.

Best wishes, B