i really dont know what to do about my job…the company im working for are running so bent its unbelivable and i like a mug have put up with it because i have a mrs and kids to feed and am unable to find anything else permanent …now question is do i quit and take a chance with agency?or do i stick it out until something else comes up?im so miserable atm so i dnt need to be caned for breaking the law …help!
What do you value most ?
Once you have answered that question you will know what to do
hi mate,
this is an easy answer for me but then again im not in your shoes however i would get out quick before you get caught. fines are getting bigger and the big respectable companies(if thats what you call em) wont give a driver with previous a second glance in this day and age.
also there is the possibility of having your licence revoked and then you cant drive for no one.
good luck and theres still agency work out there.
if your company is running so bent as you put it,i really think your think voicing your concerns to the wrong crowd mate can you define “so bent” or give a few “examples” of what exactly you/colleagues are being asked to do?? belive me,if they are “outrageously dangerous,deliberate acts” then you wanna be on a vosa website/helpline…know what i mean then you’d also be doing a favour for the rest of us law abiding hauliers/drivers.no offence to rog’s comments,but i’m sure the fella in question cares deeply for his family and his financial wellbeing,but he needs to make a choice,then take the appropriate action as he sees fit.
did the call to nobbys yield nothing then?
You’re in a catch twenty two really quit have no job no income can’t provide for fam, or stick at it and risk your license and then be ■■■■■■ on a larger scale. Don’t know what to suggest mate sorry
I really feel for you…but the problem is if VOSA come a knocking you could loose both your job and licence…which may be worse than trying to find agency work…I remember when when a large company (who shall remain nameless but a few on here worked for them at some time) had a visit from VOSA and a lot of guy’s had no means of making a living or were working to pay fines.
But the lawyers made shed loads of money.
I wish I could be more helpfull.
It is a catch 22situation , which means you need to think this over
if you can speaking to some one who is in the trade and talk this over
one to one not just on the PC;;
what you need to remember is that it is your licence and livelihood
along with your good health,YES you may have problems finding a
job then again;; perhaps not;; talk to the agency have a look round
where you live perhaps some one is now taking on new drivers,
In this day and age it is the driver who has the trouble unless they
can prove that the firm is doing it deliberately
you are not alone as out there in the real world are more drivers just like you
only some do not bother to think what if was to happen ,
IF you can prove that the firm is deliberately acting so then
gather this information refrain from breaking the law harder said than done I know
but do your best and try talk to your wife because what ever
you do will affect the family and you need to have them with you,
Over here where I live if you explain to the labour office and can show
why you left they are normaly okay, Sorry giving advice is easy but
You are the one who must decide what is your aim , all the best,
If its making you that miserable mate jack it in plenty of agency work coming up now run up to xmas keep the wolf from the door till you find something
What do you value most ?Once you have answered that question you will know what to do
Answer a question with a question eh■■? What a post Rog!!
I nearly choked on my KFC When I read that. Some or most of your post are quite good…depending on which way you read them but that one really deserves a prize.
Not even covered in the mind driving book (which is good) Nevertheless…
I would stay and stop running bent. There is nothing your gaffer can do ?
You can’t get sacked for ‘not’ breaking the law. If you do start getting threats off the gaffer walk and threaten him with the feds.
After all : If you have to run bent you’re in the wrong job !!!
It says ERF not RAF:
I would stay and stop running bent. There is nothing your gaffer can do ?
You can’t get sacked for ‘not’ breaking the law. If you do start getting threats off the gaffer walk and threaten him with the feds.
After all : If you have to run bent you’re in the wrong job !!!
My sentiments exactly.
This might sound like a daft question, but have you voiced your concerns with your boss, he might think he is only running at the edge rather than taking the urine, tell him you are very concerned and unwilling to carry on as you are now, see what he says, if he tells you your choice is to get on with it or walk, I would say walk. if you have to walk you can go for constructive unfair dismissal,
As much as you need work, it is not safe now to run bent, VOSA are really starting to get their act together these days and it is only a matter of time before you or one of your work mates get caught and they look into the company, then you will all be stuffed…
Good luck what ever you decide to do
if it’s so bad i’d quit and try the agencys till something permanant turns up. Then call in vosa. Its only a job if it gets you down get out.
how badly r you running bent ■■
wha truck do u have/ work are you doing??
start running legally
when you get the push you have a case
photocopy all your tacos before you hand them in
Hi dogthehunter
Like others have said, what do you class as running bent Magnets and wires falsifying tachograph records
I’m assuming here this isn’t the same firm that you did a photo diary for a couple of months back was it as you’ve probably already got VOSA taking an interest in this topic
In answer to your question, personally along side what some others have said I would first try and run legal. Then see what your gaffer says/does, you can’t be sacked for running ‘legal’ . If he insists you run bent photocopy your bent and legal records and then LEAVE the job as fast as you can .
I mean its inevitable that at some point whether is be tomorrow or next year one of your trucks will get pulled for a routine and a can of worms will be opened. Take the case of that heavy haulier in Scotland, one driver got pulled for speeding and it snowballed from there .
You’re no good to the agencies if you have no licence and would certainly limit your choice of jobs. But even leaving is no guarantee that you would not ever have any repercussions as VOSA can still prosecute even if you no longer work there . But it would help your case if you showed you tried to run legal.
But either way I would leave mate and sign up with some agencies or last resort some factort/shift work so long as it puts bread on the table it got to better than looking over your shoulder ever second of they day and breaking into a cold sweat every time you see a VOSA car drive by, its just not worth the risk mate .
You’d loose your licence, receive a massive fine and have your name tarnished in the local media as a juggernaut driver who ran bent on public roads.
But end of the day the choice is yours mate, read though all these different posts and just look at it from long term prospective…
start running legally
when you get the push you have a case
photocopy all your tacos before you hand them in
Thats the safe one … Note everything down run sheets and tacho’s copy everything and start running by the book.
If you get called in the office put ur phone on record (if you have that) and then kkep that with your records then you have everything if the fan hits the ■■■■
start running legally
when you get the push you have a case
photocopy all your tacos before you hand them inThats the safe one … Note everything down run sheets and tacho’s copy everything and start running by the book.
If you get called in the office put ur phone on record (if you have that) and then kkep that with your records then you have everything if the fan hits the [zb]
I gotta go with this train of thought too ! Gather evidence and once you have it run straight , any probs walk and take em to court . Remember the regs are there to protect “you” .
If a job makes you miserable then its the wrong job. For what it’s worth I would take the following course of action:
Get a CV done ASAP and always have a supply with you. If you go to a delivery ( or go past a place ) that has a transport operation deliver your CV as well.
Stop running bent (as others have said he can’t sack you for complying with the law). It’s your licence, not his, and with a family to support I would do everything to protect it. He may get the hump about it and it is wise to “cover your arse”. Copy everything and keep a diary.
Apply for all and every job you can even if it means having to travel a bit further afield or more nights out etc…
Keep as low a profile as you can and leave when the time is right for you. Its not a race so take your time and formulate an exit strategy.
Good luck
i really dont know what to do about my job…the company im working for are running so bent its unbelivable and i like a mug have put up with it because i have a mrs and kids to feed and am unable to find anything else permanent …now question is do i quit and take a chance with agency?or do i stick it out until something else comes up?im so miserable atm so i dnt need to be caned for breaking the law …help!
are you earning plenty for running bent, if so keep going for it, if your not just get another job.