What will 20 15 mean for us

Will this be OUR year do you reckon.
Firstly we all have the dcpc so we are now officially professionals :sunglasses: now (yeh I know, I’m kidding)
A lot of us employed drivers have got pay raises, maybe not enough but we’re getting there.
You agency lads say that you are (like the old days ) starting to call the shots on wage rates and showing those ■■■■■■■■ by playing them off against each other, and picking and choosing, (personally I would like to see them all go out of business and ■■■■ right off, but that’s another thread entirely)
Will Transport bosses realize that they will need to get out of the Victorian mill owners zone and start treating drivers like grown men (or women) as they had to and did when I started.
Don’t turn it into a thread for slagging the Poles coming in, as the bad ones do and will stand out and the better ones raise to the top.
So is it to be our year… or true to form as drivers will you turn into another ■■■■ up after 6 months by being conned, and bending to artificial pressure set by bosses to prevent us from winning, thus culminating in a severe ■■■■ storm, and general ■■■■ up…we all know what drivers are capable of and what they are prepared to do without question.
So here’s to a good 12:months for drivers ,…I hope.

A good twelve months for drivers? A nice sentiment, and my wish for one and all on here. Time will tell, as the song goes. Anyway, a Happy and safe 2015 to one and all.

Will Transport bosses realize that they will need to get out of the Victorian mill owners zone and start treating drivers like grown men (or women) as they had to and did when I started.

That will never happen, NEVER…!

Business as usual with one major difference. The date will end in 5 instead of 4

It means quarter past eight at night to me! Happy new year robroy :grimacing:

I’d like to see a PROPPER driver shortage as it seems the only way that the pay/conditions will improve in this industry
I want the agency to phone me up BEGGING me to do that one hit/8 hour day for £25 per hour and me saying “I’ll sleep on it”

But the main thing that I want for2015 is my ex-wife to stop hounding me for more money when she’s the one running a brand new Mini :confused:

I don’t see much changing to be fair ,and the reason is i don’t think we that is to say drivers will change ! until we start acting like professionals and actually thinking of our self s as professionals we can hardly expect to be treated as such can we ? and to be fair you only have to read some of the nonsense on here and look at the standards of driving on the road ie tailgating , speeding , running through road works like lunatics allowing planners to apply pressure ect and allowing company’s to pay low wages by working for that rate anyway thats my rant done stay safe out there chaps

I would just like to see this umbrella ■■■■ scheme abolished and made illegal and agency’s made to offer both PAYE or fully self employment as in ltd company, until this happens squat will change.

The other thing for the agency boys ( I have no grudge I was one for years ) is that they get min same pay /conditions from day 1 at all company’s hired to and the Agency staff have to attend a pass or fail examination on road transport legality’s as should any desk jockey/planner and they should also be brought to book if regs are broken or falsified … get that into place then the drivers who think they are above the regs will have no option but to fall in line.

The other thing for the agency boys ( I have no grudge I was one for years ) is that they get min same pay /conditions from day 1 at all company’s hired to and the Agency staff have to attend a pass or fail examination on road transport legality’s as should any desk jockey/planner and they should also be brought to book if regs are broken or falsified … get that into place then the drivers who think they are above the regs will have no option but to fall in line.

Honestly mate I can count on the fingers of one hand with plenty spare how many companies I want to get the same pay/conditions as as agency are usually on better. A decent agency has staff that know the rules. Certainly the one I work for does as he drives himself and so does the one he subbies me to.

Quarter past eight in the evening !!! :open_mouth: :wink: :exclamation:

Sorry Robroy , couldn’t resist that one :wink: :wink: :exclamation:

Casual Observer:
Quarter past eight in the evening !!! :open_mouth: :wink: :exclamation:

Sorry Robroy , couldn’t resist that one :wink: :wink: :exclamation:

You’re just too ■■■■ quick for me bud :wink: :smiley:

Nowt’s going to change… as long as Drivers as prepared to sit in grotty waiting rooms while being tipped, put up with ■■■■■ parking facilities and grotty showers with food not fit to give to the dog, drive like a nob all day 'cos they’re on a day rate which equates to poverty wages, put up with planners who think we can do the impossible and then accept the ■■■■■ we get when we cant do it…

WE (drivers) make our own ■■■■■■ and untill WE as drivers change then nothing else will change…

happy new year boys :slight_smile:


the end of the 40mph speed limit :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: 8th april and counting

the end of the 40mph speed limit :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: 8th april and counting

Yeh, cos that’s gonna solve all our probs in the job ain’t it :unamused: I can just hear it now ‘‘You will easy get that last drop off now and get back’’ , 9hrs x 10mph = 90 mile extra per day (in theory) for the same money,and fewer nights out paid to boot, yeh, spot on, can’t wait mate :unamused:

happy new year Roy

Dont know about you lot for me it means the start of my new transport union, driver will get a £5 per hour per year increase on wages, new units every six months, full time trampers will get £25 an hour plus have to be parked up in a hotel every night, breaks will be paid, drivers cannot work more than 40 hours a week for 70 hrs pay, no more unplanned nights out as chinook helicopters will be ready to fly you and your wagon home at vosas expense, smokin g in cabs is allowed, agncys are banned, 4 on 3 off systems are the norm, and TMs who ask you to just nip over there and collect 12 pallets on friday will have to pay a £200 fine. taking subscriptions now only £20 a week
please wire the money to my luxury condo in the caymen islands

happy new year Roy

Cheers Paul, same to you. Will pm you. :wink:


the end of the 40mph speed limit :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: 8th april and counting

Yeh, cos that’s gonna solve all our probs in the job ain’t it :unamused: I can just hear it now ‘‘You will easy get that last drop off now and get back’’ , 9hrs x 10mph = 90 mile extra per day (in theory) for the same money,and fewer nights out paid to boot, yeh, spot on, can’t wait mate :unamused:

well buy your own truck and you dont need worry about things like that do you :unamused: :laughing:



the end of the 40mph speed limit :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: 8th april and counting

Yeh, cos that’s gonna solve all our probs in the job ain’t it :unamused: I can just hear it now ‘‘You will easy get that last drop off now and get back’’ , 9hrs x 10mph = 90 mile extra per day (in theory) for the same money,and fewer nights out paid to boot, yeh, spot on, can’t wait mate :unamused:

well buy your own truck and you dont need worry about things like that do you :unamused: :laughing:

Nah mate, been done, t.shirt sweat shirt…and even hoodie. 1982_1995ish
Didn’t realise you were o/driver, certainly don’t envy you, …but hope all is good :wink:

Nowt’s going to change… as long as Drivers as prepared to sit in grotty waiting rooms while being tipped, put up with [zb] parking facilities and grotty showers with food not fit to give to the dog, drive like a nob all day 'cos they’re on a day rate which equates to poverty wages, put up with planners who think we can do the impossible and then accept the [zb] we get when we cant do it…

WE (drivers) make our own [zb], and untill WE as drivers change then nothing else will change…

happy new year boys :slight_smile:


same sheit,diff day,last year,this year,next year…as soon as some companies would stick together for a better deal for themselves or their drivers,then another one will cut their throat,hence nothing will ever change…always an industry of busy poor men working for scraps,city link and the likes just prove that. big or small,its depressed rates and cut your opponents throat to scrape the work from under him. co 1 quotes a trip at 1000,co 2,3,and 4, chop it between them to 650,then co1 regains it at 600…then subs it out a Cpl of times,and voila,someones running at 50% of the initial break even quote. the driver in a decent job has the best deal,wages,and no greif,apart from being treated like a tramp at rdc`s etc,and unwelcome anywhere in the uk.