What Was The Last Book You Read?

Most drivers- including me- have a TV.

I rarely watch mine though, I am an incurable bookworm.

I have just read George Orwell’s book “Down and out in Paris and London” and I have to say it was a fantastic read, not least because I have experienced the same poverty and starvation in my younger days.

But what are you reading/ did you read last, and what are your opinions of it?

What made you choose to read that book?

raymond e fiest fantasy type stuff

into a dark realm

a simple piece of escapism most good guy’s n bady guy’s
type book there is a whole series interlinked with each other

The Bible

Personally I found it poorly written, lacking plot, substance and believability :wink:

Tin hat on and preparing for “GodSquad” back lash :smiley:

No backlash from here, I’m an Atheist, but I have to say that I love your avatar and have filed away that phrase for future use!

Im not an Atheist. I just dont believe in God, Allah, or Father Christmas.

Harry Monk:
No backlash from here, I’m an Atheist, but I have to say that I love your avatar and have filed away that phrase for future use!

:smiley: Cheers Harry , I have a vast collection of them :wink:

dont read many books at all , but the last ones where
davinci code (before the film came out)

and a few autobiographies, namely

lenny mc,clean, the london doorman /prize fighter. great book

and robbie fowlers and stevie gerrards (big liverpool fan)

2 at the moment :wink:

at home it’s Clarkson : Born to be Riled

in the cab it’s Spike Milligan : Where have all the bullets gone ?

oh, and of course GV262 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Denis F:
2 at the moment :wink:

at home it’s Clarkson : Born to be Riled

I’ve just finished that one, very good it was too. Generally i’m reading 2 or 3 books a week and they are any old stuff that is available at a cheap price in Asda, mostly thrillers that don’t need much concentration to read. I am also dipping in and out of a very funny book called - Is It Just Me Or Is Everything ■■■■. The [zb] is a word like crap but rhymes with hit. :wink: :smiley:

well bein a leser a mortal at the moment(iveco-sleeper) no tv as i only do 1 night-out(again at the moment)ive just got my lap-top with all of ROG’s posts to read,an boy with my insomia to deal with as well…zzzzzzzzz…zzzzzzzzzz…zzzzzzzzz
:wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

chrisy boy:
well bein a leser a mortal at the moment(iveco-sleeper) no tv as i only do 1 night-out(again at the moment)ive just got my lap-top with all of ROG’s posts to read,an boy with my insomia to deal with as well…zzzzzzzzz…zzzzzzzzzz…zzzzzzzzz
:wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Mate :exclamation: nice to know I am good for something :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Only in jest ROG,ive put a few of your nuggets to good use but as the great man once said ‘nice guys dont win trophies’ (brian clough) :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Denis F:
2 at the moment :wink:

at home it’s Clarkson : Born to be Riled

I am also dipping in and out of a very funny book called - Is It Just Me Or Is Everything [zb]. The [zb] is a word like crap but rhymes with hit. :wink: :smiley:

Me too. I have that book but not read it all yet.

I have 3 of Clarksons on the go, the chicken fox and another one.

I have a very difficult Bill Bryson next to my bed but he is too serious for bedtime reading

I’m going through the harry bowling back catalogue at the moment c/o my mam’s collection, not something I thought i’d have ever read, but i’ve been pleasantly surprised.
started to re-read mein kampf again but soon realised my opinion about it 20 years ago hasn’t changed, its boring

The latest Harry Potter book.

Prior to that Peter Kays Autobiography. Funny as ■■■■.


The latest Harry Potter book.

I can’t read the Harry Potter books, I find them too unbelievable. The magic etc is one thing but a ginger kid with two friends,come on that just goes beyond the boundaries of believability.

I preffer something ■■■■■■ :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
mag or internet Im not bothered :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Angels of Death…
Story behind the hells angels (the more darker side)

Don’t really go for stories or fictional stuff…

biographys only for me. just read roy “chubby” browns book. dont like him as a act but what a cracking life story. before that “on the doors” a book by a former bouncer cracking read. all these blokes who have never lost a fight ■■. would love to see what happens if you got them all together :wink: :wink:

The Long Surrender, by Burke Davis.
A moving account of the final days of The Confederacy and Reconstruction. :cry: