What to take

Hey guys. So sometime soon I may be joining you all out on the open road in either a class 2 or hopefully a class 1 :slight_smile: I’m just wondering what people suggest I take with me. Like essential kit :slight_smile: I will be spending most nights of the week in the truck as well.

Cheers :slight_smile:

well unless your planning on eating out every night then your going to need,
reading material
bog roll
kitchen roll
wet wipes
tooth paste and brush
shaving equipment
shower gel
just a general view for now, will add more if I think of anything

  • cash!

as i say to all these posts…A SENSE OF HUMOUR…best thing to take with you :smiley:

Hand sanitiser for places with no soap or water.Foam ear plugs for sleeping in noisy lay bys.

Hey guys. So sometime soon I may be joining you all out on the open road in either a class 2 or hopefully a class 1 :slight_smile: I’m just wondering what people suggest I take with me. Like essential kit :slight_smile: I will be spending most nights of the week in the truck as well.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Have you got a job lined up for when you pass the test then ?


Hey guys. So sometime soon I may be joining you all out on the open road in either a class 2 or hopefully a class 1 :slight_smile: I’m just wondering what people suggest I take with me. Like essential kit :slight_smile: I will be spending most nights of the week in the truck as well.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Have you got a job lined up for when you pass the test then ?

Hopefully yes. A company is willing to help me get through the tests and then I can leave my current dead end job. :smiley:

Your social life :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

If the firm give you a uniform take your own clothes to wear as it feels like you are still at work wearing a uniform while having a meal out.And if you have a pint the bar man quizes you if you are driving or how far you are going.And you think he will ring the firm and dob you in.